Gynaecologist exposes the Anti-FGM propaganda live on BBC.

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Australian Gynaecologist shut down the Racist Anti-FGM crew on BBC. Exposing how this campaign is Racist, Ethnocentric and Sexist.

We denounce this campaign as cultural imperialism, because the Western feminists are imposing their cultural biases about female sexuality on African women who have embraced female circumcision as part of their cultural identity.

The term ''FGM'' is constructed for pure shock value , to shop for funds for yet another campaign into a continent still perceived as dark and backward. And while they pass judgment over African people the plastic surgeries of California are advertising a new service called "Designer Vagina." So cutting is mutilation and barbaric in Africa; vogue and fashionable in Hollywood.

The minute the average Somali woman leaves Somalia she is confronted with a Western world screaming “oppression”, she is then forced to review her culture but against a backdrop of Primitive v Progressive. All the while the Western woman is rushing to the Designer Vagina clinic to get the very procedure done that the Somali woman has been doing for centuries.



@Samawada @miski @Duchess @menace @Bahal @Lily @metamorphosis @Mr.Stone @Amun @bilan M
I've been saying this for a while ..this lady is a God sent

You know as the somali Saying goes
Been fakatay runi ma gaaarto:

The truth will not catch up with a propagated lie.

So slim chance they will listen to us nor would they listen to medical experts either.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I will spit on the face of any somali or cadaan who comes up to me with this elitist campaign got 16 year old having some type of siil surgery ( plastic ) in Hollywood but that's fine bc it progressive ..GTFO...I mean I'm for abolishing this practice but it should come from us while not shaming our ways and while not bringing your hooyo to discus her depleted siil ( like many somali girls do )
I will spit on the face of any somali or cadaan who comes up to me with this elitist campaign got 16 year old having some type of siil surgery ( plastic ) in Hollywood but that's fine bc it progressive ..GTFO...I mean I'm for abolishing this practice but it should come from us while not shaming our ways and while not bringing your hooyo to discus her depleted siil ( like many somali girls do )

I agree but why are you for aboloshing it? Isn't that culturally imperialistic? Trying to impose your western cultural biases on your own people?
If male circumcision is ok then what is the argument against female circumcision , granted there is health and choice?

I am neutral on the matter wether it goes away or not doesn't matter to me, but i still find it culturally relative. Meaning that i have no right to infringe on the cultural practices of my own people and demean it from another culture's point of view.


These labiaplasties are restricted to altering skin tissue for the most part. It is somewhat similar to the male circumcision since it doesn't affect the main stimulatory part of the genitalia and is done for aesthetics. Therefore it is not seen as barbaric and need for abolishment.

It is not at all comparable to FGM which butchers the clitoris. FGM would be like cutting off the gland of guy's penises, but since men can't reproduce with no glans nobody does it. Anyhow, FGM is disgusting and it should be banned. The awareness Western groups are creating against FGM is only a good thing.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
@Geeljire ...I'm not being influenced by western ideology ..the way I see it is that it's harmful and unnecessary ..

@Amun about singer Cher's daughter who cut off everything to have a that's ok to you :camby:


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
@Amun instead of being clueless to your statement you should go google it ..500k people switches their God given alaab...I urge you not to come to me with preposterous defense of this elitist Eurocentric campaign on the less developed world
These labiaplasties are restricted to altering skin tissue for the most part. It is somewhat similar to the male circumcision since it doesn't affect the main stimulatory part of the genitalia and is done for aesthetics. Therefore it is not seen as barbaric and need for abolishment.It is not at all comparable to FGM which butchers the clitoris. FGM would be like cutting off the gland of guy's penises, but since men can't reproduce with no glans nobody does it. Anyhow, FGM is disgusting and it should be banned, the awareness Western groups are creating against FGM is only a good thing.

Amun thinks he knows more about the female genitalia then an expert female gynaecologist. Funny!! First lets adress the term ''FGM'' it is just constructed for pure shock value to charge some moral outburst in human beings. The term itself is racist to be frankly honest.

Not just labiaplasties, but also clitoral reductions (clitoroplasty) and clitoroplexy (clitoral hood removal). all go under the definition of FGM. which is hugely popular in the west. its the same thing you can look up the photo comparisons of what you call ''FGM'' with FGC. its the same thing.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the term FGM “comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”. For the past thirty or so years, the term FGM has been mainly applied to African or non-western women and girls who have undergone customary or traditional genital surgeries. However, during this same period and especially so in the last ten years, many western, mainly white, Anglo-Saxon women and girls have undergone “procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia”. Some of these procedures are even covered by the national health systems in Europe, Australia and Canada to name a few

Another thing you cannot compare the sexuals organs of men and women and think they have the same functions and implications, built in the same fashion.

@Geeljire ...I'm not being influenced by western ideology ..the way I see it is that it's harmful and unnecessary ..

There is a reason why i posted links of scientific studies done on the practice below the video. Maybe you should read them dispels alot of these myths i keep hearing including the harmfulness about it.

Secondly How do you know? Do you just assume its harmful and unnecessary? Yet you swear that you arent influenced by western ideology. Do you think Somali women are inherently enjoy their own pain and oppression? Is it unnecessary because of?

So by your logic Western and somali women hurry of to oppress themselves on a practice that is unnecessary?

Primitive Vs Progessive ? I got ya!!:yousmart: very original.

Meanwhile Female Genital Cosmetics are deamed to be the Same practice as what you call FGM by Western Gyneacologist. Here you are trying to defend the same practice done by the west?

The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has declared that many types of FGM and FGCS are anatomically similar -

so, why are there still legal distinctions between FGM and FGCS based on race, ethnicity, geographic origin, socioeconomic class etc...?

Here is a link to a website that shows in detail the before and after pictures of western women's genital surgeries and just how drastic and invasive some of these procedures are as compared with say Types I and II of so-called FGM/C which make up over 90% of the totality of cases in the 28 Sub-Sahara countries you mention. Genital Surgery/clitoral_reduction_examples.htm

Same exact thing bro. Saaxiib we are not primitive and backwards you are just racist and Ethnocentric as hell.

Keep it real. That is not common in the West, while FGM is rampant in the Horn. You are comparing apples and oranges.

The only difference between FGC in the West and what the racist call FGM in Afica is the terms they use for them.. FGC is very popular in the west even done on girls as young as 9 years old.

FGM is defined as the "all procedures involving partial or total removal of all or parts of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons".

This definition would also include various forms of so-called female genital cosmetic surgeries including labiaplasties, but also clitoral reductions (clitoroplasty) and clitoroplexy (clitoral hood removal) that are gaining in popularity among well educated and well to-do white (and perhaps some non-white) women in western countries, including the U.S.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
When men discussed about FGM. It makes me cringe. Don't put yourself in to a women shoes coz you don't know shit.
This cadaan woman doesn't know shit and I didn't listen to her retarded ass.

FGM is one of the things I despise about our culture. It's haram and practice from pharaoh allahs worst enemy.

Do you even know fgm victims? I know women who had the worst child birth due to their circumcision. I know girls who couldn't menstruate properly and always end up in the hospital everytime they on their monthly cycle due to FGM gone wrong.
The west is progressive and moral with their genital surgeries and we are primitive and backwards for doing the same genital procedure?:drakewtf:

Its Cosmetic vagina in the western world but somehow it becomes mutilation in Somalia?
You are all bunch ethnocentric adoons. :damedamn:
When men discussed about FGM. It makes me cringe. Don't put yourself in to a women shoes coz you don't know shit.
This cadaan woman doesn't know shit and I didn't listen to her retarded ass.

LOOOOOL!!! cringe alot more you immature bigot. Wether im women or not doesn't matter. ITs not like me being women would change anything.

Its not just that one cadaan women, it is medical experts from various countries that refute the bulshitt propaganda you and kin spew on a constant daily.

FGM is one of the things I despise about our culture. It's haram and practice from pharaoh allahs worst enemy.

Do you even know fgm victims? I know women who had the worst child birth due to their circumcision. I know girls who couldn't menstruate properly and always end up in the hospital everytime they on their monthly cycle due to FGM gone wrong.

It's Haram? show me where its says that. Lots of stuff we do is preislamic, unless its explicitly states its prohibited there is no case.

I know many that have taken Female genital surgery non are victims nor would they ever consider themselves victims or mutilated.

Back to your point According to study done in sweden by medical anthropologist and obstetitrician
No evidence was found of causal connection between genital surgeries and obstructed or prolonged labour. Essen et al.(2005) concluded, surprisingly, that circumcised women were at a lower risk of prolonged labour as compared with uncircumcised Swedish women.

This study was done on both Somali women and uncurcumcized swedish women btw.

Infact another swedish gynaecologist points out that if child brith complications exist it is because of them delaying it due to the fear of being stigmatized by health care workers.

Another obstetrician/gynaecologist, Crista Johnson(2008), who attends to a large number of Somali immi-grant patients, has pointed out that the risk of still births may be particularly increased for circumcised women who delay prenatal care and getting to hospitals when they are experiencing complications because they fear being stig-matized by health care workers, and because these workers lack specialized knowledge of these women’s bodies
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