HalyeeyQaran aka Jubbaman aka MaliPrince aka MaliBantu

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Suldaanka Gobyare
:damn:Anyone notice the connection between these far. Perhaps he's even Steady_State. A proud 0. 5 Bantu too.

This 0.5 is really delusional

We can all see the connection between HalyeyGarac and Jubbaman. The write the same and have the same comebacks and Zanj ideology.

Then it struck me this Zanj wants to be his mom clan so bad, Dhulbahante.

Now let us go back to MaliPrince who claimed to be Dhulbahante, but always was Bantufying Somali history and trying to tarnish our history. He especially tried to Bantufy the Dhulbahante clan.

This garac is a sicko. :chrisfreshhah:

I think he turned quit bitter since his MaliPrince days.

Oh well. A bit of reality.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

I know for a fact he's at least Steady State niggas posts were a carbon copy
it was obvious i said it a long time ago, nigga doesn't even change his writing style he started writing in blue after i caught on to him :ftw9nwa:


Suldaanka Gobyare
it was obvious i said it a long time ago, nigga doesn't even change his writing style he started writing in blue after i caught on to him :ftw9nwa:
I didnt notice this , untill he started jumping on my gus like a loose woman when i mentioned jarers lmfaooooo this nigga so emotional
I didnt notice this , untill he started jumping on my gus like a loose woman when i mentioned jarers lmfaooooo this nigga so emotional

You calling me emotional? :pachah1:

You're the nigga who went off after I laid down the karbash and smoked your langaab ass. You needed all those self-hating gaal reinforcements to circle-jerk and like your posts, while it's clear to everyone I hit the biggest nerve now that you're dedicating a thread to me. :mjlol:

Tell me, where does this need to constantly make JPEGs and put down other Somali tribes Arab ancestry (mainly Isaacs) come from? Was your former fiance an Isaac and her parents refused to marry her to an Africoon such as yourself? Is an Arab doing things to her that you wish you could be right now? Man is getting it in, while you're mad as f*ck on your computer and spending hours alone creating entire memes like this one

This explains your obsession with Isaac's Arab ancestry. :russ:
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Suldaanka Gobyare
:chrisfreshhah:Stupid Zanj Garac I'll have you know I make those memes in a couple seconds you cockgobbling Madow mutt

Isaac are not the only ones that claim Banu Hashim if you actually studied Somalis well instead of ironing your peppercorn hard hair you would have known.
Maybe it was too soon. The Karbash X.Playa laid down on your langaab people perhaps cut those wounds too deep and they haven't healed yet before I went in.

This is what he said:

Kan indhaa xafajada Ku leh cuqdad isaaq nacayb baa jaah wareerisay iyo Booramanews , qofku haduu ka yimi asal bani-furaash sida gedabursi ga dadka xalaasha ah ee aanay nasab ku gaadhayn waa xagxagtaan.

And this was your response:
X.Playa stop sugarcoating it old man. "basically" kulaha. There is no basically old man, there is only what your dad is.

It's not that serious.


This is how you know you are both mentally and physically shackled by the Isaac. You responded back like a harmless kitten after he laid down the truth for you.

How much does it hurt that Isaac will never see you as their kin no matter how hard you try? What was written above is what they truly believe about your qudhunbursi kind, sxb. It seems you have no issue going off on bantus, a people who have done nothing to your kind, but those who have shackled and enslaved you in your own homelands will be treated as the slave-masters they are even on the world wide web. :russ:


Suldaanka Gobyare
You know one is truly in their feelings when they reach for old posts lol

A half bantoid using Isaaq to try and come at me. You are a insecure fella. One that is not accepted by both sides of his people.

Horta I have never seen such a confused soul as yourself. One time you try to rep Dhulbahante but get karbaashed for being a Dhagax so you cry and make a Bantu account to release some tears.

Sxb I can go to my town and chill. Gadabuursi are in the Somalia government, Somaliland government , DDSI government and Djibouti government. My people are eating.

What do you have? Dadkaaga ku faan sxbow :chrisfreshhah:

Oh wait you don't have anything, you're a Zanj Mutt. :chrisfreshhah:

He's trying to compare the situation beesha is in with the situation his people faced from the Arab slave trade to now :dead:

Stop deluding yourself you stupid Dhagax :drakelaugh:


:chrisfreshhah:Stupid Zanj Garac I'll have you know I make those memes in a couple seconds you cockgobbling Madow mutt

Isaac are not the only ones that claim Banu Hashim if you actually studied Somalis well instead of ironing your peppercorn hard hair you would have known.

How does his reply refute that chart? I don't get why he's laughing like he scored a point.
@Jubba_Man so negotiating with is isaaq slavery? You know who was inslaved sxb.

Trolling 2/10

Do better.

Answer me these two questions:

Is it true or not if I catch a plane to the Jubbas tomorrow and set up either a federalist or nationalist movement, I will be free to do as I please and can go about my business?

Is it true or not if this qudhunbursi xoolo tried to set up anything that wasn't "Viva Somaliland" in his own ancestral homeland, he would be squashed for the bug that he is by the Isaac hegemony?

This stark reality is what most likely set off this emotional langaab creature.

Oh, and to put things to rest, my ancestors were never enslaved as I've stated before. That's why these "Zanji" insults will never offend me no matter how hard these butt-hurt xoolo try.:russ:

Queen Carawelo

I would rather have a person who hates Somalis altogether rather than an irrelevant, hateful, incompetent idiot like you OP. Atleast these Madows don't pick and choose who they hate on. You two faced, evil doer.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Answer me these two questions:

Is it true or not if I catch a plane to the Jubbas tomorrow and set up either a federalist or nationalist movement, I will be free to do as I please and can go about my business?

Is it true or not if this qudhunbursi xoolo tried to set up anything that wasn't "Viva Somaliland" in his own ancestral homeland, he would be squashed for the bug that he is by the Isaac hegemony?

This stark reality is what most likely set off this emotional langaab creature.

Oh, and to put things to rest, my ancestors were never enslaved as I've stated before. That's why these "Zanji" insults will never offend me no matter how hard these butt-hurt xoolo try.:russ:

No you cannot. What's your Madow qabil? What exactly are you? Only then can I talk about how your people ain't shit.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Actually you would get squashed like a bug since you don't have a clan to lean on or people to support you

. It seems your thick bantu skull doesn't know how things work in Somalia, especially in the dirty South where the Militias would blow your brains off for trying to compete with them.

Actually anything is more likely to happen than your idea :mjlaugh: since it's individuals collaborating together. Your just an ant in Somali politics. You hold no political weight
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Queen Carawelo

No you cannot. What's your Madow qabil? What exactly are you? Only then can I talk about how your people ain't shit.
He's not even Bantu, he used to go by the nick Hawdian in somnet, he is Isaaq but worships habesha. He once said he would sell his soul to the Habeshas. He's also a troll.
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