Somalilander welcomes establishment of relations with Israel to achieve international recognition of Somaliland

This is a response by Somaliland expert Abdiqani Foodcade to an article published in the Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post "Israel eyes Somaliland base bid to counter threats from Yemen's Houthis, bolster security " .

Abdiqani Foodcade said that : "The Jerusalem Post article about establishing diplomatic relations with Somaliland is not the first of its kind, but such articles appeared frequently, especially before the spread of the Internet. In fact, there was an undeclared relationship between Israel and Somaliland. There were contacts between the former President of Somaliland Mohamed Ibrahim Egal and the assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Therefore, Israel’s desire to establish relations with Somaliland was always present. The Israelis call Somaliland the "lost brother".

He claimed that on June 27, 1960, Israel sent congratulations and appreciation, but unfortunately we did not respond to this matter.
In 1988, when the Mohamed Siad Barre regime was at the height of its repression and violence in Somaliland, Israel did not fail in its efforts to support us while the Arab countries were deporting the people of Somaliland to the Mohamed Siad Barre regime.
Since we declared our independence again, Israel has not stopped wanting to establish relations with us, but successive Somaliland governments have been evasive and have avoided establishing a relationship.

He said " There are also Arab and Muslim Israelis who are members of the Israeli parliament, and as you know Israel has diplomatic relations with many Muslim countries such as Egypt and Jordan, as well as Sudan, Morocco and the Emirates, which signed the Abraham Accords with Israel.
He falsely and deceitfully claimed that "Malaysia and Indonesia" have diplomatic ties with Israel. He said that there is nothing preventing Somaliland from establishing relations, treaties and reconciliation with Israel ".

He said that Egypt and Turkey pose a threat to Somaliland.
He said "Can Egypt and Turkey intervene in a place where Israel is present?" .
He said "The enemy of my enemy is my friend " .

He said : We, as Somaliland, need and are obliged to achieve the establishment of a relationship with Israel.
He used a Somali proverb "buur ahaw, Ama buur ku tiirsanow," meaning "Be a mountain or lean on a mountain," implying leaning on Israel.We,as Somaliland, need Israel's support and backing.

He said: "We need the support that Israel gives us. Israel helps us a lot because it is a strong state and a country that is needed and it is a capable state and Israel is stronger than all the countries surrounding Somaliland, that is why we need diplomatic relations with Israel."

Regarding concerns about Houthi attacks on Somaliland if there is an Israeli base Somaliland, he says Israel should provide air defense, such as the Israeli Iron Dome system for Somaliland, against Houthi missiles and drones.

He said: Although it is not permitted to travel to many Arab countries with a Somaliland passport, we can travel to Israel with a Somaliland passport.
He said: There are many students from Somaliland studying in Israel and they are highly respected in Israel.

He said: Somaliland, with determination and confidence, should not link its future and destiny to other countries that have interests different from those of Israel. We should welcome diplomatic relations with Israel, it is one of the countries of the world.
The fate of the nation of Somaliland will not be hindered by people and countries in conflict with Israel.
Therefore, the interests of other countries with Israel should not hinder the interests of Somaliland with Israel.

Xogaha Ku Qarsoon Saldhiga Israel Somaliland Ka Furanayso Iyo Xidhiidh Qarniyo U Dhaxeeyey .

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Nobody should be shocked by anything SNM does.

Nobody should be shocked by anything SNM does.

you are right, we should not be shocked .
For SNM, any method to obtain recognition is acceptable.

Their goal of gaining international recognition therefore justifies selling the sea to Ethiopia or allying with Israel against their fellow Muslims.
β€˜Arabsiyo news’ they don’t even try to hide it kkkk….Arabsiyo is a town in Gabiley district. Pure Jeegaan mouthpiece πŸ˜‚
you are right, we should not be shocked .
For SNM, any method to obtain recognition is acceptable.

Their goal of gaining international recognition therefore justifies selling the sea to Ethiopia or allying with Israel against their fellow Muslims.
Egal (aun) was never part of SNM, and that letter is fake has been debunked before. If Somaliland really wanted recognition they could have done lot more. Somaliland would not ally with Israel as houthi missiles would rain down on Somaliland. We don’t have no iron dome so what would we get out of it. Somalia actually wanted to establish ties with Israel after the Abraham accords, but some isrealis see no benefit in this. Look it up it’s all over the net.
Egal (aun) was never part of SNM, and that letter is fake has been debunked before. If Somaliland really wanted recognition they could have done lot more. Somaliland would not ally with Israel as houthi missiles would rain down on Somaliland. We don’t have no iron dome so what would we get out of it. Somalia actually wanted to establish ties with Israel after the Abraham accords, but some isrealis see no benefit in this. Look it up it’s all over the net.
It's not me who says that.
In the video I sent, Somaliland expert Abdiqani Foodcade claims that Mohamed Ibrahim Egal had talks and contacts with Israel
(starting at 1:50) .
watch the video again .

It's not me who says that.
In the video I sent, Somaliland expert Abdiqani Foodcade claims that Mohamed Ibrahim Egal had talks and contacts with Israel
(starting at 1:50) .
watch the video again .

I have never heard of β€˜somaliland expert’ Foodcade, and do you in region maakhir expert or puntland expert. This is slander to call Isaaqs yahuud, the same thing Siad Barre was doing in the 80’s. He was the one who called the isaaqs my Jewish problem. He had design on exterminating everyone who was isaaq like his idol hitler.
I have never heard of β€˜somaliland expert’ Foodcade, and do you in region maakhir expert or puntland expert. This is slander to call Isaaqs yahuud, the same thing Siad Barre was doing in the 80’s. He was the one who called the isaaqs my Jewish problem. He had design on exterminating everyone who was isaaq like his idol hitler.
The Arabsiyo News channel, which conducted the interview with the so-called Somaliland expert (Aqoonyahan) Abdiqani Foodcade, is owned by Somaliland loyalists.
I'm only sharing the news with you so don't shoot the messenger!
I have never heard of β€˜somaliland expert’ Foodcade, and do you in region maakhir expert or puntland expert. This is slander to call Isaaqs yahuud, the same thing Siad Barre was doing in the 80’s. He was the one who called the isaaqs my Jewish problem. He had design on exterminating everyone who was isaaq like his idol hitler.
Nobody considers you yahuud πŸ˜†

