
  1. SultanuuFicaan

    Italian plans during WW2

    I have said it a few times on this site, WW2 marked the end of Italian colonial rule (British ruled afterwards plus un Trusteeship) and it's goal of making a mini Italy in the Horn of africa (scale of migration was ridiculously highly prior to ww2). Thank god for ww2, from a Somali...
  2. Madara x

    Portugal v.s Somalia: Who was the richest black man in Africa in the middle ages?

    Greetings fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 5.0 of my "New world order" video presentation series. Please watch the section below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread... “If you...
  3. Madara x

    Free-Slaves: Did Somalia ever actually become independent? What is the illusion-of-independence?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the questions that I've mentioned in the thread-title, have been presented in section 12.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series. In order to fully understand this section, you need to watch the Bonus section which is right before this...
  4. Madara x

    Black-Somali-studies: According to Frantz fanon, what is the process-of-decolonization?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in the bonus section of my Somali-History video-presentation series. This bonus section is a supposed to prepare you for section 12.0 of the series. Section 12.0 is the climax of...
  5. Madara x

    The Dervish state: What is the origin of Somaliland v.s Somalia Conflict?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 11.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series. Please watch it below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread . . . :nvjpqts...
  6. Madara x

    French Somalia: Which nation was (and still is) paid to supervise Somalia?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 9.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series. Please watch it below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread . . . :nvjpqts...
  7. Madara x

    Somali slaves: Which Arab nation 'sold' somalia, to Italy, in the 19th century?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, Today's topic is a sensitive one. So feel free go into savage-mode. For all the Arab-lovers and Aryan-lovers out there, you might want to sit this one out. I have found evidence in scholarly books, during my research on Somali history, that Somalia was indeed sold...
  8. Madara x

    Scorched earth: How many Somali cities did the Portuguese burn down?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 7.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series. Please watch it below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread . . . :nvjpqts...