
  1. Noble

    Western Hiraan Community Mps show support to Hirshabelle

    Western Hiraan mps support the dismissal of Ali Jeyte accusing him of stoking Clan Discord in Hiraan.
  2. Helios

    BREAKING NEWS Hiiraan Liberation Front jabhad formed

    Seems like they blocked the new Abgaal Pres of Hirshabelle from coming to town Xawaadle is mad :icon lol::icon lol:
  3. warculus

    History of Sheikh Xasan Barsame. Resistance of the South

    Sheekh Xasan Barsane “ ( 1853 – 1927 )Sheekh Xasn Sheekh Nuur Sheekh Axmed oo lo yiqiin Sheekh Xasan Barsane wuxuu dhashay sanadka markuu ahaa 1853, wuxuuna ku dhashay tuulada loo yaqaan Ubaadi oo u jirta qiyaas ilaa 68Km magaalada Jowhar, Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, Soomaaliya. Hooyadiis...