Not sure if this is the right thread for this but thought someone more knowledgeable could answer. From what I know its a name of Somali origin and the name is quite rare to see nowadays. I've been wondering what it meant for awhile however information on it is hard to come by. I've heard...
In the oral traditions of southern MJ clans, it is often mentioned that the first MJ arrivals to mudug encountered a large body of Galla in Mudug. They fought over a course of many years and managed to dislodge and scatter them. However we don’t see any present day evidence of Galla settlement...
I decided to read the baboon study from 2023 that people claim supports that Punt was Eritrea and not Somali, and its complete garbage. Firstly, people will say the 2023 study used isotopes when it did not. In 2020, there was a study that used concentrations of certain chemicals in remains of...
Pretty simple post here, can someone break it down to me who the people of Punt where (I mean like Cushitic migrations, who mainly desecends from them because I hear somalis and Eritreans are the biggest runner ups)? Possible loactions, teh gernealy history of it, I have heard about its...
This was meant to be post on sudanese reddit but I was having too many technical problems uploading it so I decide I'd drop it here, hope you guys find it valuable.
Also I always wanted an excuse t post this, so ig I found it, lol.
A bit of a catfish title ngl but I saw somebody make a...
For example, the belief in one supreme diety, this can possibly be aquinted to God, (Allah) (It holds that there is one supreme deity, Ahura Mazda (Lord of Wisdom), who is the creator...
this guy is new he deserves more attention he posts every week too
He made excellent threads like this one, did you know Somalis colonized Kenyan Bantus ?
Go sub and like and repost his threads
There’s this new business on Instagram and TikTok called Everysided. They have a clothing bathrobe called The Macrobian. Cultural appropriation? Or Support the Somali owned brand.
When teachers and professors say that Wikipedia isn't a source, it's because of the weakness of a public encyclopedia means makingeveryone dependent on good will. That's why sources are so important; they allow you and anyone interested to look into it and verify for yourself if what it says is...
Ancient Somalia
There are many foreigners who try to discredit the Somalis in every page of the history book, whether it be our City states of Antiquity or Medieval Islamic dynasties.
So i will dedicate this section to describe the civilisation of ancient Somalis and their...
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
There is substantial evidence of Maghrebi communities in the Somali peninsula, Maghrebi communities played in a important Role in Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Ghazi’s Conquests.
let’s start with futuh Al habesh, this book mentions Maghrebi’s quite...
Has anyone else noticed the tendency of (primarily Western) encyclopedias to blatantly try to erase Somalis from our own history. In the worst ways possible?
And when they include us they make up some crazy bs that I ain’t never heard about
Read this excerpt on two types of Somalis according...
In 275 or 274 BC, Ptolemy II (r. 283–246 BC) sent an army to Nubia, and defeated the Kingdom of Kush. The expedition pursued several objectives: on the one hand, it curbed Kushite power, which had been steadily expanding for the past century, and helped secure Ptolemaic rule against the native...
The Gash Group is a neolithic culture situated in the Southeastern Sudan and Northern Eritrea region. The academic consensus based on the most recent archeological evidence is that this culture is the Land of Punt.
Excavations at its capital of Mahal Teglinos revealed evidence of permanent...
How many here read on the website
I personally think it is a great source of understanding complex genetics but the websites author has a tendency of pretending that somehow there are distinct phenotypical differences between north/east and south somalia (for...
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