These people would do any thing for a recognition, they invited LGBT advocate last year, then it was a Priest from an African country and this year a Norwegian Pedophile is addressing and teaching the Somali culture to them,like Really, what does this pedo knows about Somalis and their...
For Ictiraaf, Duh,:ohlord:This is crazy, Bisinka, begging an island full of negros Prostitute that serves the white tourists.
It took Barbardos only a month to become a sovereign republic country and now Somaliland is begging them for ICtiraaf, Mark my words you will see Barbardos...
I don't even think there is something more embarrassing and humiliting than these SL old heads making fool out of them selves, what they gonna do next sit out side the UN building with a bowl for pennies?
Why don't they just go to Mogdishu and sit down with the FGS instead, I am pretty sure...
After tensions rose between Somalia and the UAE over the problem below.
UAE has begun having ties with Somaliland to hit Somalia's weak spot.
This made Somalia furious because being friends with Somaliland means attacking the integrity of Somalia not acknowledging that Somaliland is a pawn...
DP World workers in Somaliland who have to be trained abroad by the UAE are told to get a real passport in Garowe. The Somaliland passport will not be accepted by the UAE. A real shame.
I think judging by her hair her mother is from the same tribe as @The Cushitic One and @Geeljire sanbuur, I know many girls from that tribe who have that lovely curly hair and it smells so nice:ahh::banderas:
Somali genes are so weak though only way I can tell she is a Xalimo is because of her...
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