mad mullah

  1. A

    HISTORY Novel about the Mad Mullah!

    Hi guys! I would like to write a historical fiction novel about the Dervish state. Could you guys send pictures, ideas, and/or warnings about what I would do. The plot is akin to movies like Lawrence of Arabia and Dances with Wolves.
  2. Madara x

    Youtube Video Series on Sayyid Mohammed abdulle hassan (mad mullah)

    Greetings fellow somalis, It's been a while. I want to inform you all of a new youtube video series that I'll be recording and uploading for the next few months. It's going to be about the anti-colonial Somali warrior sayyid Mohammad abdulle hassan. The pdf document that I will be using...
  3. Madara x

    The Dervish state: What is the origin of Somaliland v.s Somalia Conflict?

    Greetings Fellow Somali's, The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 11.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series. Please watch it below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread . . . :nvjpqts...