
  1. abdullah233

    The USA supported Farmajos extension

    Source Africa Programme, Horn of Africa AUTHOR Paul D. WilliamsProfessor, Elliott School of International Affairs, the George Washington University Link to document this is on page 9 or 10 If true this is big because it’s a fact that international countries have the final say in Somali...
  2. Abkaal

    The Banadir and the Inter-Riverine Resistances 1888–1924

    The Banadir Resistance
  3. xisaabiye

    The Legacy of Madaxweyne Muj. Ahmed Maxamed Maxmuud Siilaanyo

    Qayb ka mid ah wax-qabadkii Siilaanyo - You can add anything that you remember(Credits to Kingwaslawi): Aan ku horrayno balanqaadkii xukuumada Kulmiye kusoo gashay ololaha wax yaabihii qabsoomay: 1. Wax barashada dugsiyada oo bilaash laga dhigay, dusgi dhexe ilaa dugsi sare 2. Badalaada...