somali food

  1. JackieBurkhart

    CUISINE This great Somali website for food!

    This website has so much variety and the couple really seem to know their stuff when it comes to the food of Somalia. Different regions have been covered, from coastal Somalis to inland Somalis with the different foods we created due to our environment. May God bless this couple for the work...
  2. CaliTedesse

    Arabs possess best food

    I consider Somali food pseudo Arabic. I honestly believe Somali women have to upgrade to Arab dishes completely. I do not plan on marrying a female that can only prepare canjeero and sambusa. We have to make it the norm that if you can not cook Arab food you are not a real Xalimo. I am done of...
  3. H


    JAMAICAN GIRL EATING SOMALI FOOD. her Reaction is so funny