15% Of Men Don't Have A Close Friend

Men suffer ‘friendship recession’ as 15% are without a single close pal
By Adriana Diaz

July 7, 2021 | 8:12pm

New research found that nearly one in five American men admit to not having a single close friend.Getty Images
The saddest recession may be among us: the friendship recession.

As the country works to end the pandemic, we are still in the midst of the loneliness epidemic, according to new research.

Nearly 1 in 5 American men admit to not having a single close friend, according to the results of the American Perspectives Survey, conducted by the Survey Center on American Life.

The number of American men without a close friend has jumped five times since 1995, from 3% to 15%, according to the findings, while those claiming to have at least six close friends have plunged by half, from 55% to 27%.

When looking at both men and women, just 59% of Americans can identify one person as their “best friend,” down from 77% in 1990, the poll found

'Friendship recession': 15% of men are without a close pal

Americans have a higher chance of satisfaction with their amount of friends as the number increases, the survey, conducted in May, found. In 1990, 33% of Americans said they had 10 or more close friends, but that number has dropped to just 13%, meaning fewer Americans are satisfied with their friend group.

According to Cigna Health Insurance, 61% of Americans report feeling lonely, with men feeling lonelier than women.

Men are also less likely than women to receive emotional support from their friends, the American Perspectives Survey found, but receive more emotional support when they have female friends.

Of course, men and women both develop and maintain friendships differently, additional research shows. Men’s friendships are most intimate when sharing similarities in involvement in social activities, such as finances, outgoingness and social connection, according to a study published in Adaptive Behavior and Physiology. This varies from women, who are more likely to choose a friend who shares similarities that affect the quality of the relationship itself, such as education, humor and happiness, researchers found.

While loneliness itself may not seem detrimental, a study by the American Psychological Association claimed that the rate of young adults with suicidal thoughts or other suicide-related outcomes increased by 47% between 2008 and 2017.

These staggering statistics of the friendship recession found in the American Perspectives Survey are being attributed to a multitude of cultural-trend changes in the past two decades, including a decline in religious involvement, lower marriage rates and changes in the workplace, that are creating a surge of disconnection.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
f*ck friends most of them are snakes who try to leech off you. I prefer having one female wife and family thats it.
Like clockwork :mjlol:

Lol, I was kinda shit posting, wanted to trigger you easily triggered men. But there is truth to this by the way. Women tend to prize emotional connections more than men.

That's why in most cultures along with ours, its usually seen as a woman's job to bring family together. I think there is even a Somali mahmah about wives being the connectors.
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
According to some dudes on this thread, the 85% of men that do have close friends aren’t men or lesser men.

What a cope.

Just say you’re a loner and keep it moving.

It's higher men don't trust other men who are not blood I never understood dudes bringing men around their wife or girlfriends , you know that one dude who brings his guy friend over all the time .

Men can kill you rob you and steal your girl always keep it family and even then you can trust no one .

Only GOD is my best friend .
Momma and grandma grandpa only ones I trust my life and money with .
Men can kill you rob you and steal your girl always keep it family and even then you can trust no one .

Only GOD is my best friend .
Momma and grandma grandpa only ones I trust my life and money with .
You good man?
It's true, that can happen. But forming friendships is worth the risk imo.

It might take a long time to truly get to know a friend, but you won't regret it.

Having good friends you can trust will improve the quality of your life.
You good man?
It's true, that can happen. But forming friendships is worth the risk imo.

It might take a long time to truly get to know a friend, but you won't regret it.

Having good friends you can trust will improve the quality of your life.
Nah once you get older friends mean nothing is blood that usual counts .


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You truly are a scholar

Men are in competition with each other. Having a male friend is an oxymoron. So man has to capitalize what he has to offer. He is the Rooster among a bunch of hens who need him to father their children