1935 Addis Ababa


you made a whole thread just to show us some police men wearing no shoes in 1935?

xiligaa awoowga kabo waligiis ma arkay?
Completely barefoot is definitely not the norm some form of sandals would be a minimum.
if italy fully colonized them they def would have stopped eating raw meat. honesty think ethiopia would have been better off if they were colonized
They colonised Eritreans this made Eritreans smarter and after the reunion in 1954 Eritreans held important dockets in the Empire.
2021 Addis Ababa
Sxb don’t waste our time like that, awowga wu qaawana xiligan iyaga dharka qabeen.
At dalaalos awowgey iyaga buraha kuwan geye oo hilb qeyrin kubarey.Bahal yahow waligis qabeysanin oo afka ka shiro.Ya goita hiraabu towerdos

Amxaaro soo kuwi dariqyada addis abab ku xaari jirey so ma ehen ?
Ma axmaar ilbaxsan ba jirey?
Gondar iyo gajjam miyaad aragtey ? Mise waxa isu maleysey boqortoyadi ingriiska?
Madowka menelik wuxu aha kii damerka kuso galey addis ababa.
Without the british they would have been no one I have noticed the number of nicks you have made dalaalos aka xabashi.
At dalaalos awowgey iyaga buraha kuwan geye oo hilb qeyrin kubarey.Bahal yahow waligis qabeysanin oo afka ka shiro.Ya goita hiraabu towerdos

Amxaaro soo kuwi dariqyada addis abab ku xaari jirey so ma ehen ?
Ma axmaar ilbaxsan ba jirey?
Gondar iyo gajjam miyaad aragtey ? Mise waxa isu maleysey boqortoyadi ingriiska?
Madowka menelik wuxu aha kii damerka kuso galey addis ababa.
Without the british they would have been no one I have noticed the number of nicks you have made dalaalos aka xabashi.
Af somaaligii wastay