1969 Somali Elections


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
The Results of the 1969 Somali Parliamentary election. Nearly 900,000 voters in a population of 3.6 million came out to vote and over 60 Parties ran for election.

The SYL came out with a landslide victory earning 73 seats out of 123 seats despite only earning 33% of the vote.

After the most other parties’ MPs joined the Somali youth league leaving the Somali youth league with 109 out of 123 total seats. Its ally the Somali National Congress/Socialist National Congress also joined a coalition with the SYL. By the end of March the SYL and its coalition controlled 120 out of 123 seats

Here is a breakdown of the MPs by Gender
Male: 123
Female: 0
