3 Somaliland soldiers killed in Southern Sool

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Jet life till my next life
Saddex askari oo ka tirsanaa Ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ayaa lagu dilay rasaas ka dhacday badhtamaha Dharkeyn-geenyo oo 75Km dhinaca galbeed kaga beegan magaalada Laascaanood.

Askarta la laayay waxay ka tirsanaayeen ciidamo saaka la geeyay deegaankaasi si loo kala dhex dhigo beelo halkaasi ku dagaallamay, weli ma cadda in dilku uu ahaa mid qorsheysan iyo inkale.

Despite the droughts & looming famine, these monkeys are still waging tribal clashes within their own clan and when the Somaliland forces try to intervene they're killed. Somaliland forces should retaliate & let 'em finish each other off. Nacala idinku yaal :pacspit:
Why are they there anyway? Yaa uu bahan? If you put yourself in the fire, you're gonna get burned.
Anyway, Dhulbahante's should solve this problem on their own the him. Its been too long. Someone needs to sit the Qayaad and Bahararsame down bc this is ridiculous and unacceptable.
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