4th District in Hiiraan has been attacked by Al-Shabaab within a week!

Early morning terrorist attack by Shabaab! Just after Fajr!

It is the fourth district in the Hiran region where Al-Shabaab attacks with explosions within a week. May Allah have mercy on those who died, may Allah heal those who are injured. Aamin

This is Halgan District in the centre of Hiiraan. It is the gateway and district that divides both Buuloburde and Beledweyne.

They have destroyed local businesses and medical centres their attack is deliberate on the Hawadle clan it’s not even a political war anymore just pure clan hatred.



Full Report:

Qof Naftii haliga ah oo kaxeeynayay gaari laga soo buuxshay waxyaabaha qarxaya ayaa isku qarxiyay degmada Halgan ee gobolka Hiiraan.

Qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah oo dhacay iyada oo lagu jiro Saaladda Subax ayaa ka dhacay aga-gaarka xaruun aay deganaayeen ciidamada Dib-u-xoreynta isla markaana dhacda Faras magaalada Halgan.

Inta la xaqiijiyay Talihihii CID -da Saldhigga Booliska Beledweyne Jamaal Axmed Jaamac ayaa ku geeriyooday qaraxaasi waxaana dhaawac uu soo gaaray hal qof oo kamid ah ciidamada Dib-u-xoreynta.

Ma jiro wax khasaare kala ah oo ka dhashay qaraxaasi ama wax yeelo kale soo gaartay dadka shacabka ah ee Halgan deggan.

Ciidamada amniga oo gaariga qaraxa lagu fuliyay oo Noha ahaa ka arkay goob fog ayaa rasaas hugiyay taasi oo keentay in qofkii gaariga qaraxa lagu fuliyay waday uu halkiisa isku qarxiyo, isaga oo aan gaarin taliska ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Dib-u-xoreynta deegaanka.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Xawadle chose to be the sacrificial lamb in HSM feigned war, as I predicted 2023 shall be turbelent year for Hiiraan
Hiiraan representative MP Hon. Malik Abdalla sends condolences to those who lost their lives in Halgan, Buuloburde & Jalalaqsi. He also reassures his constituents that he will return to the region to support the war against AS.

This is why it’s key for all of hirshabelle as well as galmudug land to be AS free as clans like XL and Abgaal who already freed their land will always be in danger of Shabaab crossing into our territory and carrying out attacks in places like buloburde and hiloowlegaab. Making sure neighbouring clans/lands are free in order to sustain constant peace in our own
Xawadle chose to be the sacrificial lamb in HSM feigned war, as I predicted 2023 shall be turbelent year for Hiiraan
As much as I despise your boon Clan I have to agree with you on this. It’s the absolute truth. They have gained absolutely nothing. They have only been targets by AS and their cities have been bombed to the ground with no support from the FGS even by getting new political positions or by support thru the FMS to rebuild the damages.

all I saw is Odowaa delivering goats.

it’s gonna be a very bad year for Reer Hiiraan,

2023 wuxuu noqan doona sanad aad uu xanuun badan.

Wali la isma gaarin suumanka hala adkeeysto Xawaadloow!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
As much as I despise your boon Clan I have to agree with you on this. It’s the absolute truth. They have gained absolutely nothing. They have only been targets by AS and their cities have been bombed to the ground with no support from the FGS even by getting new political positions or by support thru the FMS to rebuild the damages.

all I saw is Odowaa delivering goats.

it’s gonna be a very bad year for Reer Hiiraan,

2023 wuxuu noqan doona sanad aad uu xanuun badan.

Wali la isma gaarin suumanka hala adkeeysto Xawaadloow!
Waxaan wa riwaayad sxb HSM is using
you for political points

Wallahi I know Somalis they will support you superficially through TikTok and Facebook but when it comes to reality they dont care. Hawadle wil continue to be targeted in Xamar and elsewhere by AS also. Meanwhile the HG Saleebaan clan already made heshiis with them in Galmudug that is why they are not attacking their notables in Xamar anymore. Mahad Salaad is working with them so why should Hawadle be a sacrificial lamb?

Also dont forget Gaaljecel (West Hiiraan) and Ceelbuur both are bordered by Hawadle
and AS will use them against you. You bet those clans will love to see you suffer….


This is why it’s key for all of hirshabelle as well as galmudug land to be AS free as clans like XL and Abgaal who already freed their land will always be in danger of Shabaab crossing into our territory and carrying out attacks in places like buloburde and hiloowlegaab. Making sure neighbouring clans/lands are free in order to sustain constant peace in our own
I don’t think Al Shabab will stop these bombing and attacks until years after their entire territory has been liberated by the FGS. Even after they lose Middle Juba i fear they will go underground and operate as terrorists cells.
Al-Shabab has been using the same attack for over 10 years. This strategy is not even there’s to begin with. They simply copied it from Maxaakiinta yet the government has failed to even learn anything from it. AS has never been known to fight a direct battle. Whenever government forces draw near they withdraw from the towns and villages they occupy because they don’t have the strength to defend it. It’s shocking knowing that AS has continued to exist this long without ever attempting to survive a siege in their own towns like Isis has done with Raqqa, Aleppo and Mosul.

Al-Shabab withdraws their forces from the towns to give them their upper hand in deciding the next confrontation and the time it will take place.

AS are well known to start their battles in the early dawn break when many of the government soldiers are asleep & some are drugged from chewing Khat all night. This is the strategy of Maxakiimta when they used to attack the warlords of Muqdisho during their hours of asleep. AS also favor the night time because that is the time where they can freely move their soldiers without being detected.

This case has been confirmed by the Baxdo attack where AS was defeated. Baxdo is defended by Sufi militas and we know that sufis don’t sleep at night kkkk they are busy doing Dhikr. While AS attacked at dawn the sufis were ready for them!

it’s a shame that the Somali government does not have an engineering brigade that specializes in building proper bases to defend. The Roman legion are well famed for building a defensive position in a single day after weeks of long marches. There was times that their engineering crew will still be working on building the base even when the Army was under attack by Germanic tribes.

Somalia must take lessons from the Iraqi insurgence. The Iraqi government used to make sure that their were 3 trenches built on all sides of their bases to prevent Isis suicide vehicles from entering the base and causing a massacre.

AS has no other tactic except using suicide vehicles loaded with explosives to attack and blitzkrieg a fortified base.

when it comes to Guerrilla warfare AS is a big joke. Their leaders are more busy sleeping with multiple females & collecting taxes from innocent farmers & civilians.
it’s a big shame that the government of Somalia is a bigger joke than AS to not even be able to defeat this mediocre group.
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Waxaan wa riwaayad sxb HSM is using
you for political points

Wallahi I know Somalis they will support you superficially through TikTok and Facebook but when it comes to reality they dont care. Hawadle wil continue to be targeted in Xamar and elsewhere by AS also. Meanwhile the HG Saleebaan clan already made heshiis with them in Galmudug that is why they are not attacking their notables in Xamar anymore. Mahad Salaad is working with them so why should Hawadle be a sacrificial lamb?

Also dont forget Gaaljecel (West Hiiraan) and Ceelbuur both are bordered by Hawadle
and AS will use them against you. You bet those clans will love to see you suffer….

That is why Jubbaland refused to do a clan based Macawilsey force. AS waa Niman ciilan that will find any excuses to massacre the clans that they detest. Hawadle should nationalize their forces like Abgaal are doing. When AS carried out attacks in Middle Shabelle they say that they are attacking SNA but when it comes to Hiiraan they say they are fighting Hawadle!!
Hawadle has given AS ptsd that they are literally killing any Hawadle nomad that they come across.
Somalia is the only country where a highly decorated general or commander is sitting in a defensive base like a common soldier ready to be shredded into pieces by an incoming VBIED.

Some of these bases are isolated from other government positions and the only means of reinforcement are from the air (Drones/UAVs). Imagine if the base got attacked with the general and commander cornered In it!

A special General or the head of the entire brigade should be assigned a special location spot near the frontlines where he can asses the battlefield and assign missions from his secret safe location.

his deputies or lower ranking officers can assist him from the frontlines in organizing the troops and defending a base.

You wonder why AS Amir’s are giving orders to their Jabhats across all regions from their hiding holes meanwhile Somali commanders are being assassinated in open grounds by an incoming suicide vehicle!

The only force that should be allowed to carry out a mission followed with a lower ranked commander should be the infantry units

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
That is why Jubbaland refused to do a clan based Macawilsey force. AS waa Niman ciilan that will find any excuses to massacre the clans that they detest. Hawadle should nationalize their forces like Abgaal are doing. When AS carried out attacks in Middle Shabelle they say that they are attacking SNA but when it comes to Hiiraan they say they are fighting Hawadle!!
Hawadle has given AS ptsd that they are literally killing any Hawadle nomad that they come across.
Exactly, a clan does not have the resources to sustain a fight against a well funded, idealogically motivated terror group that uses cowardly hit and run ambushes. They will use collective punishment until that clan completely capitulates, they will also provide other clans the opportunity to strike their revenge adding fuel to the fire.

Abgaal are relatively safe since they are operating under the guise of government, they are using state funds to liberate their land as they should but they wont extend the same funds and drones to your clan, giving them slight advantage…


It is painful in the meantime but in the long run much better for Eastern Hiiraan.

You can’t compare to Galmudug. Shabaab is never going to attack HG as strongly as Xawadle after their disasters at the hands of Cayr and Sacad, now more recently Saleebaan. This is the blessing of being so laandheere where your subclans are effectively strong enough to defeat Shabaab on their own without government support.