5 years of war in Aleppo

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
I remember when Arabs of Yemen and Syria said: why are these skinnies(Somalis)fighting?
Now they became themselves "skinnies".
Damn karma can be so quick.

Lesson learned : never mock a weak nation.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I remember when Arabs of Yemen and Syria said: why are these skinnies(Somalis)fighting?
Now they became themselves "skinnies".
Damn karma can be so quick.

Lesson learned : never mock a weak nation.

This is hardly the same. Somalis and Syria's conflict are completely different. The Syrian conflict includes many foreign players whilst the Somali conflict did not. If it wasn't for the money coming from the gulf and the foreign fighters there would be no conflict. Somalis on the other hand were just slaughtering each other. No one gave the USC money or manpower to destroy the country, they did it on their own accord. They were right for mocking us.

This is hardly the same. Somalis and Syria's conflict are completely different. The Syrian conflict includes many foreign players whilst the Somali conflict did not. If it wasn't for the money coming from the gulf and the foreign fighters there would be no conflict. Somalis on the other hand were just slaughtering each other. No one gave the USC money or manpower to destroy the country, they did it on their own accord. They were right for mocking us.
Well aren't you the enlightened one? Mocking Somalis while sporting the picture of the dictator who started it all!


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Well aren't you the enlightened one? Mocking Somalis while sporting the picture of the dictator who started it all!

I know Barre's administration did have serious problem in its final years but it was not him that destroyed or the nation nor was it him that started it. You guys all have a contempt for this guy I don't get it.
I know Barre's administration did have serious problem in its final years but it was not him that destroyed or the nation nor was it him that started it. You guys all have a contempt for this guy I don't get it.
Maybe because we had elections and even a peaceful exchange of power before him? Maybe because he took the power illegitimately? Or maybe because he's become so paranoid that he started killing anyone he suspected was against him? You know it's one of those things one doesn't even know where to begin. For you to say you don't get the contempt people have for this guy is just strange! I mean it's Siad Barre!


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
The elections we had were not great by any standard. Those elections revolved around Clan politics and assassinations. Clan politics only came into the Barre after the failed coup of 78 after which he excluded Majeerteens from the government. Aside from the few individuals he punished MJs were the only group he targeted. I don't see why anyone other than MJ should have grievances for him.
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