5k bottles of liquor caught in the most conservative cities of Somalis, goes on 2 show that

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
we got a lot of drinkers and a lot of sexual craziness going on back home, more than kids who grew up in the west.

When you have 80% of population under 30 and all unemployed then what do you think they gonna use to kill time? Of course they gonna have sex left and right while numbing their stress with biyaha kulul
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we got a lot of drinkers and a lot sexual craziness going on back home, more than kids who grew up in the west.

When you have 80% of population under 30 and all unemployed then what do you think they gonna use to kill time

Thanks to the Oromo in our country, already the Somalis locals complained about them, having sex in beaches selling cheap Ethiopian alcohol


Good job Somaliland. You need a lot of public services for alcohol to be 'past time' and not destroy the entire society in one generation.

That is Ethiopian gin, it's pure alcohol. Look at how it burns, it could fuel a stove.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Burco is as conservative as San Francisco, beside idoors have been getting mirqan since time immemorial boowe there's nothing new to see here.


Jet life till my next life
Unfair that the politicians can drink but it's only a crime when local does it!
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