70k Somalis live in South Africa

Best to stay back home, i sympathies with the south africans that want to halt migration but obv killing is the wrong way morally and clearly it has not reduced migrant numbers either.
They need to upgrade tbh. Nothing wrong with looking to do business in SA, but running spazashops in townships is high-risk, low reward shaqo. Those townships are segregated & crimeridden hellholes.

They should pool their resources and invest in something else. Living and doing business in southafrican township is too dangerous.
They need to upgrade tbh. Nothing wrong with looking to do business in SA, but running spazashops in townships is high-risk, low reward shaqo. Those townships are segregated & crimeridden hellholes.

They should pool their resources and invest in something else. Living and doing business in southafrican township is too dangerous.
I heard some are moving into the wholesaling business also real estate


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
South Africa shares the same continent as Somalia and is easier to get to than most European countries

I am surprised there aren’t 300k somalis living there