A challenge for somalispot!!

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I challenge somalispot to DEBATE me in any topic, literally anything
It will be on me if I don't karbaash you:fittytousand:
The only rule is that the opener must be opposing my views here
I remember you suggesting that Somalia should be an ally with Israel. Why Israel though? I thought racism is very noticeable in the society.
I remember you suggesting that Somalia should be an ally with Israel. Why Israel though? I thought racism is very noticeable in the society.
Business first, ideology second
Egypt is a strong ally of Israel even though Arabs are treated like shit
A lot of African countries became allies with the US before the civil rights era


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Business first, ideology second
Egypt is a strong ally of Israel even though Arabs are treated like shit
A lot of African countries became allies with the US before the civil rights era

But if we ally with Israel we are clearly disrespecting the moral legal precedent set by the SYL.

While you raise good points, here is my argument: To ally with Israel is as immoral as allying with Saudi Arabia.

Look forward to your answer mate.
To ally with Israel is as immoral as allying with Saudi Arabia.
Yet we are still allied with Saudi Arabia
Saudi is one of the wests closest allies even though it came out that they were funnelling money to Isis, Saudi Arabia is a strategic ally against Iranian expansion
Israel is not the most moral country but upholding a protest from the 40s 50s isn't getting us anywhere. Israel has one of the strongest militaries in the world, there not going anywhere


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Yet we are still allied with Saudi Arabia
Saudi is one of the wests closest allies even though it came out that they were funnelling money to Isis, Saudi Arabia is a strategic ally against Iranian expansion
Israel is not the most moral country but upholding a protest from the 40s 50s isn't getting us anywhere. Israel has one of the strongest militaries in the world, there not going anywhere

1. If we shift to Israel it would cause mayhem. We are a poor African nation and we cannot afford to piss of our neighbours just to appease whites.
2. Israel had the most amount of censures by the UN. Also the idea of taking over a nation via colonialism tactics (over population, buying up resources and military action) and subjugating the natives all because what a religious book whose authenticity is doubted said, is in my opinion ludicrous and simply immoral at best.
3. Israel will sooner or later become a bi-religious nation, Palestine will incorporate into Israel and Palestinians will come back and swamp Israel with numbers. In that case they are not going anywhere but in a decisive minority.
1. If we shift to Israel it would cause mayhem. We are a poor African nation and we cannot afford to piss of our neighbours just to appease whites.
2. Israel had the most amount of censures by the UN. Also the idea of taking over a nation via colonialism tactics (over population, buying up resources and military action) and subjugating the natives all because what a religious book whose authenticity is doubted said, is in my opinion ludicrous and simply immoral at best.
3. Israel will sooner or later become a bi-religious nation, Palestine will incorporate into Israel and Palestinians will come back and swamp Israel with numbers. In that case they are not going anywhere but in a decisive minority.
1. We don't need to please our African neighbors, they want us gone.
Israel only has 5 Muslim allies, none of them in sub Saharan Africa. If Ethiopia looks to be going down the shitter in the future we can take advantage of that. We can undermine their relationship with Ethiopia since we're in a better location and we have the Muslim advantage.
2. Israel is the only Jewish nation in the world and 22% of its population is Muslim. There are loads of Arab countries where the Palestinians can integrate easily. Jews are always picked on wherever they go and number 15 million only.
3. If that happens, Israel will cease to exist and we can be allies anyway, but that's only if Israel sticks right to its current strict border control


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
1. All of our neighbors have strong alliances with Israel except for Djibouti but they pose no danger whatsoever
2. Them taking over Palestine or whatever disputes have nothing to do with our alliances. If they offer more than we switch to them simple
3. It already is. Israel is a secular country as for Palestinian authority they'll assimilate into the culture sooner or later.

1.All of our neighbors but Djibouti are also majority non-muslim.
2. Yes it does, they are fellow Muslims and for majority of Somalia fellow Arabs
3. Assimilation is immoral and you know that. It only benefits white people and Judeo-Christians.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
1. We don't need to please our African neighbors, they want us gone.
Israel only has 5 Muslim allies, none of them in sub Saharan Africa. If Ethiopia looks to be going down the shitter in the future we can take advantage of that. We can undermine their relationship with Ethiopia since we're in a better location and we have the Muslim advantage.
2. Israel is the only Jewish nation in the world and 22% of its population is Muslim. There are loads of Arab countries where the Palestinians can integrate easily. Jews are always picked on wherever they go and number 15 million only.
3. If that happens, Israel will cease to exist and we can be allies anyway, but that's only if Israel sticks right to its current strict border control

1. I was referring to our Arab neighbours the Arab league which is more powerful than Africans.
2. No one is picking on jews. The holocaust is in the past, why didn't they form a country in Europe. Its just a western ploy to have a white country in the Middle East.
3. You are not making sense. The key to Israel's eventual demise is that they will open borders to Palestinians after they form a united government. Even without immigration, Palestinians outnumber Israelis.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Who owns & controls the federal reserves & what is fiat currency backed by? Is it gold or silver?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
War ileen balaayo dhad Iska socodo sidi xaywanka ba meesha ka buuxo oo Iska cuuno caabo xaaro seexdo bila maskax guun oo guun dhalay :susp:
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