A civil 15 minute conversation with a White Nationalist

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
He's got a suit on and speaks well. This guy could be your co-worker or neighbour or class mate.



You're a Somali nationalist, aren't u?

You ppl are often the very thing you criticize or hate in others, it's so bizarre.

There's a thread on here about when PC culture towards minorities will die :dead:

Are u ppl real? :patrice:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Stereotypical white nationalists are usually angry and loud and in your face.

This guy can say what he likes but ultimately this comment below is 100% true.



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
You're a Somali nationalist, aren't u?

You ppl are often the very thing you criticize or hate in others, it's so bizarre. There's a thread about when PC culture to minorities will die:dead:

Are u ppl real? :patrice:

You need to specific and @ your targets instead of talking in collective terms. It's always "you people" with you.

I'm not against foreigners or minorities living in SL or Somalia. So I'm nowhere near this guy.
He's right about how ethnic homogeneity creates less hostility in society.
Compare an ethnically homogeneous nation like Japan to a heterogeneous nation like Ethiopia
One is the third largest economy and hailed as the pinnacle of advanced society whilst the other is a shithole that is the largest recipient of foreign aid and on the brink of civil war.
I don't agree how he wants America to have white only states though. Blacks have been in America as long as whites have and should be having an equal claim to American soil.
Whites aren't native to North America and Australia and therefore have no right to complain.
Can't say the same for Europe though


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You're a Somali nationalist, aren't u?

You ppl are often the very thing you criticize or hate in others, it's so bizarre.

There's a thread on here about when PC culture towards minorities will die :dead:

Are u ppl real? :patrice:




Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
He's right about how ethnic homogeneity creates less hostility in society.
Compare an ethnically homogeneous nation like Japan to a heterogeneous nation like Ethiopia
One is the third largest economy and hailed as the pinnacle of advanced society whilst the other is a shithole that is the largest recipient of foreign aid and on the brink of civil war.
I don't agree how he wants America to have white only states though. Blacks have been in America as long as whites have and should be having an equal claim to American soil.
Whites aren't native to North America and Australia and therefore have no right to complain.
Can't say the same for Europe though

Europe is their rightful home and that should be respected. Problem is there are about 400 million whites who live OUTSIDE Europe.

IMO the ship has sailed. He can't turn the clock back and unfortunately for him most white people disagree with him and want nothing to do with his ideologogy.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
You're a Somali nationalist, aren't u?

You ppl are often the very thing you criticize or hate in others, it's so bizarre.

There's a thread on here about when PC culture towards minorities will die :dead:

Are u ppl real? :patrice:
You people?

What the f*ck are you then?:heh:
10 to 15 years at most is what all non-whites have left in white countries before the slaughter begins. No matter how conservative or liberal you are, if you aren’t genetically like them you will be seen as a hostile threat. Plan ahead. No one is going to save you.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
10 to 15 years at most is what all non-whites have left in white countries before the slaughter begins. No matter how conservative or liberal you are, if you aren’t genetically like them you will be seen as a hostile threat. Plan ahead. No one is going to save you.

Dude, Alex Jones was saying that 15 years ago and I'm still waiting for that massive race war.
Dude, Alex Jones was saying that 15 years ago and I'm still waiting for that massive race war.
As early as in 2002 you had numerous economic experts and financial gurus talking about future subprime mortgage crisis, all fell on deaf ears, but once the events occurred no one doubted it was happening and the severity of it. Same principle applies.

If you truly people, white people, the most ruthless humans in recorded history, will just laid down peacefully as they start to lose a demographic battle in their country along with the continual decline of the West, you have something else coming.

White Americans, have been stocking up ammo, training their children with weaponry for decades for doomsday, once it comes, they will lead the slaughter. But non-Whites in Europe will suffer a face worse fate, Europeans are pure evil, if WW1-2 and colonisation didn’t teach you anything, than history will repeat itself.
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