A Detailed Map Of Pre-Islamic Arabia


This is a map showing the political situation of the Arabian peninsula before the emergence of Islam.


Surprisingly, The Sassanians had much more control in Arabia than I initially thought with many clients tribes or tribal kingdoms across the peninsula, including Lakhm in the northeast Himyar in Al Yaman, Banu Hanifah & Banu Tamim in Najd, and Azd of Oman in present-day Oman. They even controlled the sacred city of Medina(former Yathrib). Both Yaqut al Hamawi and Ibn Kurdadbih(Arab & Persian Islamic historians) allude to the fact that a Persian governor was ruling over Medinah before Islam. In addition to that they had mining colonies in central Arabia, where they extracted Silver and Copper.


What's with the cadaan sections, wasn't all of southern Arabia including Hadramaut under the Persians?

Garaad diinle

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Don't know about this, i don't think the persians had any control in the interior of the arabian peninsula. I don't even think that they had any influnce either beyond the lakhmid borders, arabian/persian gulf, omani coast and yemen.


Forza Somalia!
You mean the green persians?
Yemen had and alliense with Persia, same thing with Aksum and Rome, but sometimes being a vassel state. These green in Hijaz are unreliable facts for Persian control


What's with the cadaan sections, wasn't all of southern Arabia including Hadramaut under the Persians?
Cadaan sections are totally independent areas. I don't think Persians controlled all of Sothern Arabia. They probably didn't bother with some of the unproductive lesser important regions Hadramaut, Al Mahra..etc.


Don't know about this, i don't think the persians had any control in the interior of the arabian peninsula. I don't even think that they had any influnce either beyond the lakhmid borders, arabian/persian gulf, omani coast and yemen.
They were receiving tribute from Najd tribes(central Arabia), it's recorded sxb. Al Hamadani reported a colony of thousands of Zoarastians(probably Persians) miners in central Arabia.


Don't know about this, i don't think the persians had any control in the interior of the arabian peninsula. I don't even think that they had any influnce either beyond the lakhmid borders, arabian/persian gulf, omani coast and yemen.
Yaqut Al Hamawi mentions the Persian rule of Yathrib when talking about the history of the town.

Internet Nomad

where the somali city states, they were very important trade routes
This was during the great somali civil war where somalis dropped down to 5% of their population allowing land for the bantu expansion to occur. When islam came it stopped the civil war preventing total somali extinction. The reason we claim you are not somali if you leave islam is because we fear us leaving islam might occur another great civil war. The siad barre communist era was a sneak peak at that and you can see its horrible effect.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
This was during the great somali civil war where somalis dropped down to 5% of their population allowing land for the bantu expansion to occur. When islam came it stopped the civil war preventing total somali extinction. The reason we claim you are not somali if you leave islam is because we fear us leaving islam might occur another great civil war. The siad barre communist era was a sneak peak at that and you can see its horrible effect.

Garaad diinle

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Yaqut Al Hamawi mentions the Persian rule of Yathrib when talking about the history of the town.View attachment 265627
Is there a mention of them in the sira? Weird how there was nothing much about faris in the story of imri' al-qais and his kinda kingdom also in the war of basus the arab defeated faris and retreated into the interior of the arabian peninsula their safe space. Fascinating how the persian influence reach west to madina al-munawara.
Pre Islamic Arabia was complex. I can only add what I remember. Central Arabia (Kindah) was under the vassalage of Himyar (Yemen) while Yemen itself was at one point under the vassalage of Persia. Kindah were originally from the South.
The same Al Azd in Oman is also found in Yathrib and Syria. Al azd is literally the parent tribe of the Aus and Kazraj in medinah aswell as the Omani Azd tribe and the Ghassanids of Syria. Lakhmids and Ghassanids were both initially from Yemen and were pitted against each other by the Byzantine and Persians. All these tribes were interconnected, vying with one another to control the lucrative trade routes.
Is there a mention of them in the sira? Weird how there was nothing much about faris in the story of imri' al-qais and his kinda kingdom also in the war of basus the arab defeated faris and retreated into the interior of the arabian peninsula their safe space. Fascinating how the persian influence reach west to madina al-munawara.
Yes I remember the prophet being summoned by the Persians who had authority in the region. The prophet invited their leader to Islam. I remember he for told a prophecy that their leader khosros was going to die soon. I need to re read the seera once again.

Garaad diinle

 
Yes I remember the prophet being summoned by the Persians who had authority in the region. The prophet invited their leader to Islam. I remember he for told a prophecy that their leader khosros was going to die soon. I need to re read the seera once again.
Yes i remember this his name was badan if i'm not mistaken but i didn't think that his authority extended to hijaz. I thought that he was the ruler of yemen and in fact after yemen was liberated badan converted to islam and became the governor of yemen not hijaz. What i'm thinking of is if there is anything in the sira of muslims or mushrikins were paying tribute after the arrival of the rasul صلى الله عليه وسلم.