A family friend I haven't seen since 2002

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She must have been 6 or 7 when I last saw her. Quran akhris. So sweet and cute and miskeen. I saw her regularly then but her family moved to the other side of the city. Haven't seen her since.

I just tumbled upon her Twitter account (she has a very unique name... possibly no one else on Earth has it) and I was completely shocked. She's an SJW extremist. She's attacking random white people on their privilege and has anti white establishment comments everywhere. She rocks dreads. "Sexual revolution" and has semi naked photos.

I was so shocked. I remember her parents being quite religious and cultured. Well her mom still is, I kept seeing her mom but wow. How things can change.

The good thing is she has become a beautiful young woman but wow.

Makes you wonder.

No I won't provide the Twitter account. Just a story about how life can be strange sometimes.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The west will swallow your children and spit them out as dad nolasha ka dhacay, I warn all not to raise children there.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Ninkani wuu riyoonayaa, isaga bu iska hadlayaa just that he added the SJW instead of the cadaan ka daba dhifliye


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
These days maryooleys in qurbaha fall into three categories

Social justice warriors
Gang bangers
Radical Islamic extremists
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