A Full Refutation On 'Assim Al-Hakeem

Omar del Sur


I used to post videos from Sheikh Assim al Hakeem but I have stopped listening to him because of what I have become aware of regarding him. I urge people not to listen to him. I think these videos make it clear why it is better not to listen to him.

Omar del Sur

did you see that he called somalis "pirates" in a tweet?

The thing I would like people to consider is- is he showing the proper Islamic manners that you would expect of a scholar? Could you imagine Sheikh Uthaymeen saying something like that?

I really urge people to not listen to Assim al Hakeem. The videos I posted in OP go into detail showing why it's better not to listen to him.
The thing I would like people to consider is- is he showing the proper Islamic manners that you would expect of a scholar? Could you imagine Sheikh Uthaymeen saying something like that?

I really urge people to not listen to Assim al Hakeem. The videos I posted in OP go into detail showing why it's better not to listen to him.
Yeah, I recently found out he isn’t actually a scholar…
Not sure about who Sheikh Rabee is (lots of controversy surrounding this man) but his followers are the most annoying retards.

Also Assim isn’t a scholar and he admitted that himself, he’s just a ‘student of knowledge.’
Not sure about who Sheikh Rabee is (lots of controversy surrounding this man) but his followers are the most annoying retards.

Also Assim isn’t a scholar and he admitted that himself, he’s just a ‘student of knowledge.’
lemme guess you call them madkhali

Omar del Sur

Not sure about who Sheikh Rabee is (lots of controversy surrounding this man) but his followers are the most annoying retards.

Also Assim isn’t a scholar and he admitted that himself, he’s just a ‘student of knowledge.’

well I am not a follower of Sheikh Madkhali and I think the existence of a "Madkhali" sect is fiction just like the claim that Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab created a sect called "Wahhabism"

Sheikh Madkhali gets hated because he goes around refuting the likes of Seyyid Qutb. Sheikh Ibn Baz, Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Uthaymeen and Sheikh Albaani have all supported him. He's just a Salafi scholar, he hasn't created some new sect. He gets hated because he does refutations- and so of course the groups he does refutations against want to slander him. Same thing happened with Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.

Omar del Sur

basically, the whole reason Sheikh Madkhali is attacked and there is this made-up claim about the existence of a Madkhali sect is because Sheikh Madkhali, who is just a Salafi scholar, went and attacked some Muslim Brotherhood types (as well as Maududi apparently- who had pretty much the same ideology)

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin Explains Why Shaykh Rabee' Is Attacked

The questioner asks:

ما هي نصيحتكم لمن يمنع أشرطة الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي بدعوى أنها تثير الفتنة وفيها مدح لولاة الأمر في المملكة ، وأن مدح الشيخ ربيع للحكام نفاق ؟ .​

What is your advice concerning the one who forbids the cassettes of Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee [from being distributed] with the claim that they cause fitnah and that they contain praise of the Wullaat ul-Umoor of the Kingdom, and that his praise of them emanates from nifaaq (hypocrisy)?
To which the Shaykh responds:

رأينا هذا غلط وخطأ عظيم ، والشيخ ربيع من علماء السنَّة ومن أهل الخير وعقيدته سليمة ومنهجه قويم ، لكن لما كان يتكلم على بعض الرموز عند بعض الناس من المتأخرين وصموه بهذه العيوب ، أعرفت ؟​

We consider this to be a great error and mistake. Shaikh Rabee' is from the Ulamaa of the Sunnah, and from the people of goodness. His aqidah is sound and his manhaj is strong and sound. However, when he began to speak about some of the symbolic figureheads of some of the people, from amongst the latecomers they began to tarnish him with these faults. Do you know [this] now?
Those whom Shaykh Rabee' criticized were Sayyid Qutb, Hasan al-Banna and Mawdudi all of whom brought foreign, secular methodologies into the Islamic da'wah - all in the name of Islam! So when the Shaykh refuted these people and was supported, commended and vindicated in all of that by the likes of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin (see here) and Shaykh al-Albani (see here) and Shaykh Ibn Baz (see here) - these people became determined to tarnish Shaykh Rabee'. It is for this reason you see them today with a fake sense of piety and concern, using gutter press methods to try and tarnish the Shaykhs reputation, so we see their headlines:

the source is from SPUBS- I don't support SPUBS but they were translating Sheikh Uthaymeen and what Sheikh Uthaymeen said was the plain truth
If noone called each other any sects then 2 ppl who hate each other from another sect would realise they r the exact same. Its all just shaytaan

Omar del Sur

If noone called each other any sects then 2 ppl who hate each other from another sect would realise they r the exact same. Its all just shaytaan

You said people from different sects are the same. I guess you don't believe all sects are the same since you say you're not the same as a Shia. Your problem is with different sects opposing each other then? All the different sects should hold hands and sing kumbaya? We should hold hands and be best buddies with hadith rejectors and shia?
You said people from different sects are the same. I guess you don't believe all sects are the same since you say you're not the same as a Shia. Your problem is with different sects opposing each other then? All the different sects should hold hands and sing kumbaya? We should hold hands and be best buddies with hadith rejectors and shia?
No im talking about all the sunnis wh split up into subsects and then start saying the other is misguided.
And i dont even regard shia as a valid sect, its borderline kufr

Omar del Sur

No im talking about all the sunnis wh split up into subsects and then start saying the other is misguided.
And i dont even regard shia as a valid sect, its borderline kufr

well there are real differences between the Ikwaanis and the Salafis. the ikwaani ideology is basically this weird combination of Marxist type ideology and Islam. Salafiyyah is about following Islam as it was understood by the earliest generations. "Madkhali" is basically just a pejorative term for Salafis who refute the ikwaani type ideology.

Omar del Sur

now I'm really seeing why they throw so much mud at this noble Sheikh's name......

I literally just came across this

this is the translation of one of Sheikh Madkhali's books.... he is DESTROYING the ikwaani ideology.... it was like watching a lion attack a deer... so of course the ikwaanis and the types who think like them... of course from their standpoint, they have to demonize Sheikh Madkhali.... he tore their ideology to shreds and they should just be honest about that being why they throw mud at him the way they do

anyways, I really, really recommend the book/pdf.
it's called Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah. the preface is by Sheikh Fawzan.
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