A herder tortured by KDF in Garissa

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That was the whole purpose of never allowing farmers rule a country with pastoralist. It won't work as they zulu out like south africa against the white population. The wealth is vastly different in both occupations, but it seems like it didn't even work because their still not settled, ummm why is that? cause the economy isn't worth changing lifestyles. Hence why you need pastoralist either separate from them farmers or pastoralists ruling the farmers.

Now look at Rwanda it's doing things the RIGHT WAY. Giving all the daruri work to farmers while the high end product work to TUTSI. All pastoralist suffered this fate not only somalis. We use the somali card as if we were the sole importance in africa. They split tutsi 10 ways, they split fulani 10 ways, they fucking around with sudan constantly and remodelling lol. Look at MALI and all those countries.

They wanted bantu base for africa with pastoralist in the hinterlands so it remains poverty driven forever. We shouldn't be so stupid and just cut off from these farmers or ask for RWANDA model. We should once we built ourselves play a game on africa. Create pastoralist state and they will go into riches immediately because they got real assets to verify what their city economy must look like to beat their rural way of living. We will create a pastoral countries around the BANTU and basically be the SAUDI arabia on them like the saudis are to the arab world who are settled farmers.


We need to forget this somali card we run around with. U can't talk without economic facts in the world. Economies are not built on national identity, you crazy losers. They shove all bantus into one nation cause waa 'tabar lawe' his end product in rural areas will forever mean a daruri economy in order to ensure his rural to city ratio is never balanced. They f*ck around and play games when they see the pastoralist and begin splitting them into minorities in each bantu run nation. Imagine splitting white people up among mexican states. that's what they did to us pastoralists


White people hated pastoralist were working on an economy far superior then europeans, so they created all this racialism up to say their europeans. It's bullshit, it's because their people were ashamed we had superior occupations and didn't waste our time under a silly king and digging the soil. That's the truth, I am trying to debug you guys from colonialist crap.

That was 100 years ago their policy the europeans. Imagine what their policies are now especially the stuff they don't tell u? We need to stop living in the past, yes they played us, now rectify it and move on. Don't sit there and moan like a , we have experienced far worse devastations in the past. We don't sit there moaning about ahmed gurey being defeated but we moan about colonialist. It's stupid, our ppl weren't built to sit there and moan, wayna nagu dhacday siyasadooda, way naga gulaysteen lets now move on.


It looks like Rwanda is the only mature country to move on. Paul Kagame is laying the foundation again but doing it properly based on economic class, you can't have the mexicans running things is the rule. U must have the best and brightest and wealthiest at the top and the only way to gouge this is thru your rural work first.


Guul Ama Geeri
It looks like Rwanda is the only mature country to move on. Paul Kagame is laying the foundation again but doing it properly based on economic class, you can't have the mexicans running things is the rule. U must have the best and brightest and wealthiest at the top and the only way to gouge this is thru your rural work first.
Dr what do you do for a living sxb
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