a lake appears in Gedo


Marexaans why are you fighting in dry Galgaduud when you can all move to Gedo
Why would we give up our lands in Galgaduud, Mudug, Doolo and Qoraxeey when we can have them both and already have both.

Our ancestors made the right decision to conquered this land from pagans, special shout out to Rer Hassan who initiated it 250 years ago and secured future generations land with unlimited potential.

Also this is your land too you know, there is enough to share with fellow Daroods, especially you Harti desert dwellers.:ftw9nwa:
Damn wallahi gedo has potentional it has rivers,a mountain a lake what other thing is it missing
and yet it’s the 2nd poorest province after Bay because they lack large cities or ports or infusctructure. There should be a RX MX alliance to dredge the juba river so they can export.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Why would we give up our lands in Galgaduud, Mudug, Doolo and Qoraxeey when we can have them both and already have both.

Our ancestors made the right decision to conquered this land from pagans, special shout out to Rer Hassan who initiated it 250 years ago and secured future generations land with unlimited potential.

Also this is your land too you know, there is enough to share with fellow Daroods, especially you Harti desert dwellers.:ftw9nwa:
Don't insult our land we have gold in Sanaag, as for your lands up central and DDS you are right. I'm also impressed by the rapid urbanization of MX cities like Cabudwaaq and Beled Xaawo


There's a reason why reer Jubbaland never left after they arrived ya'll 🤣

Jubbaland is dotted with these kind of lakes. During the wet season they are a site to behold. Badhaadhe alone has dozens of them. The biggest one is Dhesheeg Waamo which is north of Kismaayo.
and yet it’s the 2nd poorest province after Bay because they lack large cities or ports or infusctructure. There should be a RX MX alliance to dredge the juba river so they can export.
Gedo is the only region where all 7 districts are free of al shabab in the urban cities. Sadly Al shabab has strong influence in all the regions it borders. It can’t wage a full offensive (suicide) nor develop due to the extortion the citizens can’t afford, so they all invest in livestock.
They have the most camels in Somalia, & 2nd in overall livestock. The most balanced quantities of livestock.
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There's a reason why reer Jubbaland never left after they arrived ya'll 🤣

Jubbaland is dotted with these kind of lakes. During the wet season they are a site to behold. Badhaadhe alone has dozens of them. The biggest one is Dhesheeg Waamo which is north of Kismaayo.
We would’ve flexed the beauty of JL but We can’t cause the cawaans don’t allow smartphone. 🤣 It’ll remain a mystery till we barbecue them.
Gedo is the only region where all 7 districts are free of al shabab in the urban cities. Sadly Al shabab has strong influence in all the regions it borders. It can’t wage a full offensive (suicide) nor develop due to the extortion the citizens can’t afford, so they all invest in livestock. View attachment 305620They have the most camels in Somalia, & 2nd in overall livestock. The most balanced quantities of livestock.
Livestock leads to famine and poverty. Gedo should be the grainery of Somalia.
Gedo is the only region where all 7 districts are free of al shabab in the urban cities. Sadly Al shabab has strong influence in all the regions it borders. It can’t wage a full offensive (suicide) nor develop due to the extortion the citizens can’t afford, so they all invest in livestock. View attachment 305620They have the most camels in Somalia, & 2nd in overall livestock. The most balanced quantities of livestock.
Xawaadle nomads with Ak47 freed themselves from shabaab you can too, or talk to UAE or Ethiopia about conscripting 3-5k dalanyaro from all 7 districts.
Not surprising juboyinka is the breadbasket of Somalia theirs a lake north outside of my clans town in Dujuma/Buale.
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