A perspective on the Hijab

Internet Nomad

I want to help the male users of Somalispot to understand the struggle that our Muslim sisters go through when wearing the hijab and all that it entails.

Imagine growing up in a society that rewards women who expose their physical appearance to the world both financially and socially.

One where you are constantly bombarded by algorithms and marketing tactics to buy x amount of make up and clothing styles and change your hairstyle and so on.

Where your peer pressured by gaalo classmates and alike to “dress to impress”.

A society where wearing the hijab is a marker of islamnimo and can be dangerous to your safety as it make you a target to islamophobes. Where you’re less likely to get a job compared to a woman without a hijab.

Imagine everyday having to wear the thobe which is easier for than having the hijab just think about the piousness of the women who chose to take it further and wear the niqab.

Imagine being the sex where you can get any man in any room with little effort. If a woman stood outside and started approaching people trying to get seggs they would find a willing partner within the minute. We all know how successful a man would be so it’s redundant for me to explain.

So knowing you can pretty much get any man you want just because of the sex you was born as and still refraining from engaging in zina.

We know plenty of brothers who if they had such ease would have had body counts in the 50’s by now.

Imagine all of these factors and more which I won’t name for the sake of time being your responsibility from the onset of puberty even during your rebellious teenage phase that many of us go through.

Now imagine the second you slip up or not wear the proper hijab your bombarded with thousands of comments by people who can’t even recognise the struggle it is for the young muslimah in the west.

Honestly we need to recognise and appreciate that struggle that our muslim sisters go through on a daily basis for the sake of Allah(SWT). May Allah(SWT) make it easier and may he make their rewards plenty.