A picture about Villa Somalia goes viral.



People are acting like this is HSM first term. He too was guarded by foreign forces. Let's not rewrite history here, especially history that is within living memory.


People are acting like this is HSM first term. He too was guarded by foreign forces. Let's not rewrite history here, especially history that is within living memory.
Marka & Baraawe weren't even in FGS hands when he won his first term. Shabab bombed Villa Somalia in his first week as president. They were needed

'Qabyo qofkeeda aa dhameystiro'

Now he has removed them
HAG historical revisionism is infantile and cringeworthy.

It's not a compliment, but nobody knows how to come up with fake nationalist propaganda, like Kacaanists, they are experts at this skill.
Don't nobody care what you think crazy cat lady....

At a meeting with AMISOM commander, Maj Gen Levi Karuhanga, Djinnit hailed the peacekeeping mission for its work so far. "We are confident the people of Somalia, particularly of Mogadishu, understand that they are coming here to support peace and reconciliation," the commissioner said.

The AU has so far deployed two battalions of just over 1,500 Ugandan peacekeepers, out of a planned 8,000, for six months. Burundi, Nigeria, Ghana and Malawi have also pledged to contribute. Karuhanga appealed for more troops.

But your uncle beerlaawe brought them into the country. Just saying


Marka & Baraawe weren't even in FGS hands when he won his first term. Shabab bombed Villa Somalia in his first week as president. They were needed.

'Qabyo qofkeeda aa dhameystiro'

Now he has removed them

Don't nobody care what you think crazy cat lady....

But your uncle beerlaawe brought them into the country. Just saying
Don't get it twisted I commend him for finally ousting them from the villa and appointing somali nation troops as guards. However this petty AI art shit is not a good look for anyone, at best its school yard teasing. Why even bring up the pervious regime? Would it not be better to simply let achievements speak for themselves?


Don't get it twisted I commend him for finally ousting them from the villa and appointing somali nation troops as guards. However this petty AI art shit is not a good look for anyone, at best its school yard teasing. Why even bring up the pervious regime? Would it not be better to simply let achievements speak for themselves?
I'm not really for mentioning the previous admin and I didn't but Farmaajo & co looked at amisom as protection from more than just shabab so that ai pic is pretty accurate imo
Actually, only Somali security forces were stationed at Villa Xamar during Farmajo's administration, and had been replaced by Xasan with AmiSom at Farmaajo's departure. Xasan is now reverting back to the earlier state.
That's not true lol. Failmajo couldn't even use the washroom without being escorted by African Union forces. Farmajo fought against the early withdrawal of African Union forces from Mogadishu. Under Farmajo Tenure, Villa Somalia was guarded by the Ethiopian and Ugandan contingents of the African Union force.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
HAG historical revisionism is infantile and cringeworthy.

It's not a compliment, but nobody knows how to come up with fake nationalist propaganda, like Kacaanists, they are experts at this skill.
:gucciwhat: Imagine trying to slant history in your favour when most of the foundation was laid by others. They also fail to account for what was done by other actors or administrations. It's also interesting to see the 'nationalistic' facade, which is covertly tribalistic. I don't expect some Somalis ever to see their psychological blindspots.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
They are all the same ever since Sharmake was assassinated (AUN) It was just trash president after trash president and you guys arguing about both farmajo and Hassan sheikh those guys are both trash.
I knew the amisom situation was bad from heard lamentations but I never they were that deep in to the point they were that close to the president wtf