A Puntland Patriot Debunks Somaliland 1960 Mistake Argument


Hear Hear Federal MP Sanyare, you have spoken deep.facts that Somaliland is seeking.more then it's fair share in power in Somalia. I hope no puntite allows it because the irir idiots will.

The clans who suffered the most in Somalia are Darod regions. Never again will that happen again, I say never will it be tolerated.


See the silence from SL leaders when the truth is presented, their leaders teach shit to their ppl cause they think ppl don't know history, I urge them stop fooling your ppl about nonsensical crap, stop running to Ethiopia thinking U will get some leverage, remember as long as one puntites is alive u will not get any Haram.

PPL in dhulbahante and warsangeli and samaroon saw your claiming their regions in order to get Haram bloated aid, Haram won't get U anywhere U bug eyed fool.


If I ever see any Darod clan who wants Darod regions to suffer because they do, it did under syl and siyad barre and want to return to that arrangement and say that's somalinimo, I'm the first whose going to put a bullet in them, I don't care if I get qisas, I'll die knowing maybe some day a darod In the future will see what I was preventing and pick up my cause.

Yes Darods ruled alot I understand irir claims but it wasn't for our benefit U dumb f*ck, it was your two irir towns who benefited not any darod region and we accepted that thinking you idiots believed in somalinimo. But when you lot get power we seen how U behave and how tribal you are about benefiting your regions and that has changed every darod person with any brain cells in his head.

Puntitequeen as I write this I feel like throwing my tablet across the room in rage because I know their are some among us who believe somalinimo means darods have to lose and suffer. The only medium ground I will accept is if your clan is in power then other clan regions win the investments or vice versa. These irir thugs want power and stealing all investments on top of that for their deegaans and then you have idiot darods who support them.
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The reason old school bah dubays like me are loved by Darods way ii siman yihin all kaboqad irir whether it's my own clan like jama Ali jama and abdiqasim salat, whether it's barre hiraale and walalaha galgaduud and habar gedir, whether it's Omar Jess and aideed or now Hamza and HSM, whether it's Ali khalif Galayr, xaabsade, mahad cambashe and Isaaq. Anigu waxan uu arka all as equal duli kaba qaad who want hawiye or isaaq to take political power and also economic investments.

'll put a bullet in all the irir kabaqaad without any mercy. A true kabaqaad will trade off his personal interest and gain at the back of his own clan expense, they should never be tolerated by any clan, their traitors selling their ppl into gunnimo aysan ka soo bixi Karin for a few million dollars, and they have no clan to me, if I see them, a straight bullet in the head is my policy.
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Sanyare is a Class A traitor starting all the way from 2006 when he joined the ICU. He was captured at bandiradley 70km south of Galkacyo planning to attack his own people with the Hawiye militia by his side. He voted for HSM's new constitution and supported it. I don't know how you can call him a patriot.


Sanyare is a Class A traitor starting all the way from 2006 when he joined the ICU. He was captured at bandiradley 70km south of Galkacyo planning to attack his own people with the Hawiye militia by his side. He voted for HSM's new constitution and supported it. I don't know how you can call him a patriot.

Oh his one of them hawiye kabaqads, well he also joins the darod list of irir kabaqads who must be punished at all costs rather than allow these stooges to sow discord.
Oh his one of them hawiye kabaqads, well he also joins the darod list of irir kabaqads who must be punished at all costs rather than allow these stooges to sow discord.

He’s only saying this because he wants Isaaq to fight for power in Xamar. What the hell does anyone gain from that? Nobody is flexing a damn speaker of parliament like that means anything.

You guys blame everything on this irir boogeyman that’s just not real.


He’s only saying this because he wants Isaaq to fight for power in Xamar. What the hell does anyone gain from that? Nobody is flexing a damn speaker of parliament like that means anything.

You guys blame everything on this irir boogeyman that’s just not real.

Parliament Speaker was the second most powerful position under the civilian govt, first was pm. Kinda like Ethiopia today with their strong pm and weak president.


Parliament Speaker was the second most powerful position under the civilian govt, first was pm. Kinda like Ethiopia today with their strong pm and weak president.

I understand why you are shilling for your darood/Hawiye state but do you ever ask why no one else is buying?

The mistake is present from 1960 - through msb, through state collapse and continues with the Federal Somalia.

Oh No Shark GIF by ABC Network
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Parliament Speaker was the second most powerful position under the civilian govt, first was pm. Kinda like Ethiopia today with their strong pm and weak president.
You can keep telling yourself that. Literally nobody knows any of the speakers, the only one who upgraded from that role was Madoobe.

It’s a northern issue less qabil related, many well educated Harti + Dir lost out on top jobs.



I don't understand politicians trading their personal interest and positions and putting their clan into suffering, I mean what is the benefit U get in the shorter interim terrm vs all the kids in the future from your clan will suffer in the long term? I ask sanyare, Ina diyanos, and many kabaqaads U only got your positions due to PL gobanimo in the first place, are U willing to put all Puntland into gunnimo because of your personal interests it's not even a trade off that makes sense.

When my father supported siyad barre govt it was his idea to work our interests peacefully without destroying the nation,after Abdullahi Yusuf got arrested in 1986 by Ethiopia, didn't all ssdff also accept my father vision duli @Libaax-Joore, It was thru our vision bosaso to Garowe got a paved road and port. War duli yahow gobanimo isn't just being on the front line in times of war, it's also seeking dhagax dhig in times of peace.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Itsnotthateasy @berberaboy66

The reason why the north as a whole did not get the presidency or premiership is because the north was not a single bloc. The three main clans of the north acted as free agents when they arrived in Mogadishu, even the Isaaq were internally divided at one point.

You could already see the writing on the wall when in the Feb 17 1960 elections the Gadabursi and Harti won 12/33 seats under the banner of USP. The divisions in the north were there before the union.

Isaaq got the speaker of parliament position because they were the third largest clan in a united Somali Republic. It is that simple.


@Itsnotthateasy @berberaboy66

The reason why the north as a whole did not get the presidency or premiership is because the north was not a single bloc. The three main clans of the north acted as free agents when they arrived in Mogadishu, even the Isaaq were internally divided at one point.

You could already see the writing on the wall when in the Feb 17 1960 elections the Gadabursi and Harti won 12/33 seats under the banner of USP. The divisions in the north were there before the union.

Isaaq got the speaker of parliament position because they were the third largest clan in a united Somali Republic. It is that simple.

Darood are the third biggest clan in Somalia. Hawiye is the largest, Isaaq are the second.

Darood always manipulating stats and fighting for the lives on the ground. Not the sign of a big clan.

Majeerteen been carrying Darood to over-representation for a long time. From SYL to their modern 4.5 Federal Somalia scam. Darood Political piracy you might call it. Along with the Hawiye extortion artists make up the shifty south.
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Darood are the third biggest clan in Somalia. Hawiye is the largest, Isaaq are the second.

Darood always manipulating stats and fighting for the lives on the ground. Not the sign of a big clan.

Majeerteen been carrying Darood to over-representation for a long time. From SYL to their modern 4.5 Federal Somalia scam. Darood Political piracy you might call it. Along with the Hawiye extortion artists make up the shifty south.
Actually I was wrong, Darood might be the smallest clan in Somalia. Rahanweyn I think are either first or second.


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