A Response to NIHILISM


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

Honestly, even if God didn't exist I'd continue to believe in him. Human beings need spirituality. Whether you want to believe we were designed that way or coincidentally evolved to be that way, it is in our nature to seek out some form of spiritual belief. Virtually all late holocene Hunter-Gatherer cultures were at least animist with at least 1/4 believing in High-Gods similar to those of pagan religions and the Abrahamic faiths and as these two gentlemen say, even modern atheists often find themselves "worshiping" and enshrining something. Whether they're practicing some form of nominal pantheism or all this new age spiritual woo woo... It's in our blood, I think. Without it the mind seems to become increasingly pessimistic and possibly even depressive.

