A Somali father who is a driver for the Uber company almost got killed #somali #USA #justice

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴

Abdulaahi Abdi waa Aabe somaliyed oo wadde ka ah compnigga Uber nin uu qaaday ayaa dhibaato gaarsiiyay wax xuquuq ahna kama uusan helin Uber shalay ayuu ka hadlay aqalka Sanetka ee Minnesota halkaas oo ay ka socotay doodda xuquuq raadinta darawaladda Uber iyo Lfyt

there should be justice WTH Uber what wrong with them? Abdulaahi Abdi deserves justice now!

share thoughts please on issue!

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
this is the first time I hear or saw a somali translator who exactly say what the other guy says. bravo 👏

