A Somali girl has achieved 12 GCSE A* stars-

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Mashaa Allah

jugjugwacwac gabadhaan with high IQ level ,meeqo haleed ayaad ka bixin laheed,

Ama shacab waynaha Somali spot raga ra'yigiina dhibta,

Waraabe even if he is incarnated 10 million times will never achieve this result.:siilaanyolaugh:
Though I hope and wish this to be true (congrats if she indeed achieved all those top grades), but this is just an A4 printout. Where is the real transcript? :patrice:

Something seems fishy and all that hiyi-labood, make-believe Somali social media stories. Again, if it's true then I wish her all the best for her already bright future.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Both GCSE and A level results are released late august lol. If this is true then mashallah.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
There's no question that our girls are bringing successes left and right while our boys are busy with xaahiishad gadis and getting murdered while at it.

They fb page has been showing one glorious success after another this week of a Somali girl here, there and everywhere graduating/ getting accepted to prestigious stuff.

I only wonder, are they gonna end up with a Somali man or their co-worker the Punabi or the Arab:cosbyhmm::cosbyhmm:
Waa su'aal fiican menace

Menace ina adeer you need to find extra room for 2,3 and 4th wife, to accommodate the high achievers and beautiful Somali girls.

Currently the market is over producing every year. And a new fresh young girls are coming into to the market every year.

Want happened to your liberation struggle ina adeer - ma waxey noqotey hal bacaad lagu lisey- (maah-maah):siilaanyolaugh:
Watch her marry ajanib because all
Somali men drive cab and eat khat

There's no question that our girls are bringing successes left and right while our boys are busy with xaahiishad gadis and getting murdered while at it.

They fb page has been showing one glorious success after another this week of a Somali girl here, there and everywhere graduating/ getting accepted to prestigious stuff.

I only wonder, are they gonna end up with a Somali man or their co-worker the Punabi or the Arab:cosbyhmm::cosbyhmm:

women will use any excuse to deviate towards higher class in the society she grows up in. there are many faulty thinking patterns in somali communities (same goes for other low ranking immigrant groups). another infamous one is the "if he is muslim, its ok".
I just knew it. Some insecure fucks would come out of nowhere and use it as an opportunity start a gender war.
Look how people are trying to use her as an example to denigrate Somali males. Like this is gender driven! You wouldn't hear stuff like this if she was a male. If I posted an achievement of a male...

Imagine if i sad ''Watch him get married to an ajanabi, because Somali girls only work at day care and sit on their asses getting fat'' :childplease:

Leave it and commend the girl for a job well done.
Two high achievers, Mashallah.


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