A Somali guy on Reddit

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Suicidal men adore me.
wrote this for the cadaans that don't understand

To be honest, the reason the troops are here is to get rid of Al-Shabab because our nation did not have the resolve to remove them.

The complexity lies in the fact that Al-Shabab isn't just one side of the conflict. Somalia is run primarily through the Clan system. In my honest opinion, The Federal Government is only the second, less important layer of power. It gives Somalia a face to present to the world, now that we've got the attention of Donor nations because of the piracy problem a few years ago. Most countries would not assist in rebuilding without a recognisable government in place, and not just the Clan system. This is a clan system where you can enquire about any specific guy, and be told where his sub-clan lives, what he does for a living, etc. This makes it easier for law enforcement; Clans pay for their transgressions in blood money or a life-for-a-life.

It’s not a great system, but Somali’s have used it since ancient times. The problem, with regard to Al-Shabab, is that in this system, where a man can tell you the name of all of his forefathers, paternal uncles, their jobs, the area they live in but apparently has no idea which Clan members are also Shabab members.

In my opinion, and many other Somalis, that is an impossibility.

The Ugaaso (Sultans) know who in their clans is a member of Al-Shabab, and until the notion of “protecting your clan” turns into the notion of “protecting your nation”, this problem will never go away. Al-Shabab can be destroyed overnight if the Ugaas of each clan resolved to do so.

That said I am not entirely happy at the troops of other East African nations being in our country. The last time Somalia lost land, was due to the British "mistakenly" selling a region to Ethiopia and failing to buy it back.

So, with regards to Kenya & Ethiopia, analysts are right to suggest that they are following their own interests (not the obvious interest of preventing Al-Shabab from carrying out attacks in their countries, but secondary interests that are historical) and Somalis are wary that they will attempt something as this would be the perfect climate for them to do so.

Ethiopia, especially, has a desperate need to alleviate the problems of being a landlocked nation. One way would be to annex a part of Somalia where they can install a coastal city.

The second part of your question is also very complicated to answer.

The Somali National Army are not developed enough to secure the nation. The US trained Elite units are the most effective of our defenses, but even they are purely reactionary. They react to suicide attacks, and simply kill men who intended to die that day after inflicting as much damage as possible.

Reactionary forces cannot really contain the problem of Shabab.

Our Intelligence services, NISA do all of the groundwork regarding Shabab reconnaissance. They arrest suspected members, and foil an attack or two every month. Even that isn't enough, as AL-Shabab simply regroup to anywhere outside of Mogadishu and plan another attack.

All of our security services could do with better information from the Sultans, but each Sultan is too busy trying to one-up the other.

I don't like having to have foreign troops in my country to quell the insurgency caused by people I'm supposed to consider my brothers. Somalia is one culture, one people, and one religion. This makes this so much more difficult to understand. As far as we are aware, Al-Qaida is just another outside force meddling in our affairs. Something we've been used to since ancient times.

Sorry for the length: TL:DR It's a complicated problem in a fairly uncomplicated environment (everyone is the same religion, culture, people).

EDIT: glaring writing errors.

This is the 2 time im seeing Somalia on the worldnews subreddit. I've been there for some months. Somalia getting more covarage don't know what that will mean in the long run


tfw no habesha gf
''This is the 2 time im seeing Somalia on the worldnews subreddit. I've been there for some months. Somalia getting more covarage don't know what that will mean in the long run''

Means America will f*ck us up soon. Wish I was kidding but it happened too many times in the past. also I think I have seen the Somali guy before, he is very smart. Reminds me of Geeljire or whatever his name is spelled


Your superior
Bullshit post

This explains the issues. Certain clans have become wealthy since the fall of the government and they won't allow stability.

Why on earth would you allow law and order when you can make money from instability
Al-shabaab is a cash cow for AMISOM and the somali gov. As long as the aid money keeps flowing al shabaab will continue to exist.


Your superior
Al-shabaab is a cash cow for AMISOM and the somali gov. As long as the aid money keeps flowing al shabaab will continue to exist.

I said this a billion times. Cut aid and see south somalia instantly become peaceful and stable


Suicidal men adore me.
''This is the 2 time im seeing Somalia on the worldnews subreddit. I've been there for some months. Somalia getting more covarage don't know what that will mean in the long run''

Means America will f*ck us up soon. Wish I was kidding but it happened too many times in the past. also I think I have seen the Somali guy before, he is very smart. Reminds me of Geeljire or whatever his name is spelled

wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with gulf of aden and magreb el beb. I just like the fact that our country is getting coverage and maybe this will lead to more knowledge of the current situation. I've had people ask me the worst questions.


Suicidal men adore me.
I said this a billion times. Cut aid and see south somalia instantly become peaceful and stable

It's not aid that's the problem. It's the clan system, Amisom, Al Shabab. Get rid of the clan system and get a draft for the military from all regions, you'll gradually start seeing a more peaceful Somalia. Cutting Aid for the Somali Gov will just make it worse. The root of the problem isn't aid.
wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with gulf of aden and magreb el beb. I just like the fact that our country is getting coverage and maybe this will lead to more knowledge of the current situation. I've had people ask me the worst questions.
Don't be too optimistic. Somalia is only in the news when there's a famine or some attack. That's all that most people know about it.


tfw no habesha gf
How come the south is filled with terrorists and the north is fine and calm? I had people come up to me and say they were happy they could go out at night in Hargeisa. Is it really that fucking bad that younger people can't go out at night in Mogadishy, or was he fucking with me?


Suicidal men adore me.
How come the south is filled with terrorists and the north is fine and calm? I had people come up to me and say they were happy they could go out at night in Hargeisa. Is it really that fucking bad that younger people can't go out at night in Mogadishy, or was he fucking with me?

People go out but from what I understand not after the sun sets. They're just afraid and traumatized. It's really sad wallahi. A bomb blast is normalized.

I think some of the problems in the southern part comes from the Ethiopian invasions, al shabab wasn't heard of until afterwards. And then it just became a profitable thing. AS is an organized criminal group. Sometimes they change they're tactics from killing innocent business owners to doing something that seems a little more nationalistic like targeting Amisom.

On top of that Northern Somalia doesn't deal with AMISOM, Alhamdullilah!


tfw no habesha gf
People go out but from what I understand not after the sun sets. They're just afraid and traumatized. It's really sad wallahi. A bomb blast is normalized.

I think some of the problems in the southern part comes from the Ethiopian invasions, al shabab wasn't heard of until afterwards. And then it just became a profitable thing. AS is an organized criminal group. Sometimes they change they're tactics from killing innocent business owners to doing something that seems a little more nationalistic like targeting Amisom.

On top of that Northern Somalia doesn't deal with AMISOM, Alhamdullilah!
Holy hell wtf. In Hargeisa I saw young children at 12-13 years old walking around with their friends in the neighborhood at 21-22:00. The city is filled with a bunch of rowdy young teenagers too until midnight - hanging out. Man we are lucky, if the civil war happened later, every single Daesh supporter from Africa - Middle East would have flocked to our country and pull a Syria on us
Bullshit post

This explains the issues. Certain clans have become wealthy since the fall of the government and they won't allow stability.

Why on earth would you allow law and order when you can make money from instability
The video is really informative, thanks
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