Nobody was even listening to him looooool, people were speaking amongst themselves lmfao.Kkkkkkk IG should have a subtitle function on their videos like YT
An country $@*/":-@ pride */'"$??!sd waiting for helbi
He's not that bad, but the room was a little noisy so I couldn't hear him well.
LooooolBecause no one cares what the one bedroom “leader” says.
he has oil money already:siilaanyolaugh:If I was him, I’ll use aid money to get veneers
What did Kerry Washington ever do to you? LoooooooolI just realised he looked like an ugly version of Kerry Washington
He needs more than veneers sis,If I was him, I’ll use aid money to get veneers
I just realised he looked like an ugly version of Kerry Washington