Abdi Johnson rivals declare defeat

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Dude, this site needs to have a tagging functionality where you get a notification when someone tags your name. I have just been reading your latest thread, and have seen this thread on the front page of the general section.

Waa laguu fiican yahay, sxb. Glad to see you're still around too. The place is kinds slow these days. It takes one for days or weeks to visit the site, as almost everyone is either lurking and posting anything, or not visiting the site.

I think Waryaa is working on improving some features. There was an upgrading recently.

Welcome back saaxib; carligaad ku nooshahay soo laguma fiicano? qarabaada, ehelada iyo asxaabtaada?

P.s. there is a general trend; web based forums are losing to new social medias; soomaaliddu feysbuug ayaay u guurtay; even my camels have facebook; Sheeyar gareey, aamin dheh, iwm ayaay ku jiraan. Xoolihii xataa ku sali ayaay ku jiraan

I am no supporter of abdi johnson ,however I do believe in the mantra or philosophy of "streets gotta eat ".in other words ,one has to Give a chap his credit,especially in the realm of alpha male competition .the chap has blown his obsolete rivals out of the water through a crusade of attention seeking ,pr at all costs and through the use of Twitter . Those fellows are still discussing who started the habar canjeelo vs. habar sabaayad wars of the 90s,whereas this site gives almost instantaneous news alerts on Somali events around the world .the credit is not only due to abdi Johnson,though ,his alias and buddy ,kaleel ,a gay Somali living in the east of London is more influential than we think .

Baasto ,Somali anthropologist , ceo of jamaacatu DNa.entrepreneur . Top five Somali trolls of all time .
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