Abdijohnson come in you kuffaar

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I will find you and kill you if you don't seek the siratul mustaqeem. We got eyes and ears everywhere and if Allah is willing we will send you to Jahanam,
You had the chance to send me to hell when I told you that I arrived in Sweden in July and wanted to meet you. You had the chance to kill me if I didn't "seek siratul mustaqeen". But you were fulaay. You ignored me when I came to your city.

You're all internet gangstas



@AbdiJohnson read this very carefully. Me, you and everyone on this forum are going to die. Think about the time you will glance at your family members for the last time. You are leaving this world. You think if this world was for entertainment only Allah (Swt) would of made death? Come to your correct senses. Wallah the prophesies of the prophet Muhammad (Saw) is enough proof he's the final messenger (saw). Dont be a شقي, look at the fact that the body of fir'oun has been found recently and scientists proved he was drowned due to the salt content in his body. Ponder upon the fact that more people are under the earth than on it. Wallah never belittle Islam, it will drive you further from the truth. Be intellectually honest, may Allah guide you :)
Abdi Johnson doesn't worship Allah. He worships his own ego.

He knows better than this. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he prefers to continue this charade and turn away from his Creator. It's actually very sad, and the consequences of his Atheism are eternal if he doesn't change course before he dies.


If you guys knew the power, eloquence and the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, Wallah you would tremble! Even some of the Quraysh disbelievers would fall down prostrating after hearing some of the Ayat revealed to the prophet (Saw). As a student of the Arabic language, I tell you WALLAAHI it's not possible for any human to write this. Even the whole of mankind combined. Think about that fact that if all the scientists and philosophers that ever walked on this earth helped each other, they would not be able to create even a fly! Just one fly! All praise be to Allah for saving me from kufr. @AbdiJohnson fear Allah, remember your Lord, return to your Lord, wallah he's the most merciful most forgiving.
Abdi Johnson doesn't worship Allah. He worships his own ego.

He knows better than this. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he prefers to continue this charade and turn away from his Creator. It's actually very sad, and the consequences of his Atheism are eternal if he doesn't change course before he dies.

If you had eyes on the back of your head, can you fathom what your vision would be like?
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