Abgal Clan Supports District Based Parliament. VIDEO

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Abgaal supports this thinking they will have all 16 xamar districts :chrisfreshhah:
In reality they will have half of it and maybe few middle shabeela districts:browtf:
This whole district thing looks like a shitty mj scheme 4.5 is here to stay get used to it:camby:
Abgaal supports this thinking they will have all 16 xamar districts :chrisfreshhah:
In reality they will have half of it and maybe few middle shabeela districts:browtf:
This whole district thing looks like a shitty mj scheme 4.5 is here to stay get used to it:camby:

We live in 7 gobols. Tf do u think they are supporting this district thing for?


This is great news, we been stuck in this 4.5 limbo for too long, infact it's been 15 years since back in 2000 at arta conference this horrid system was introduced. With the Abgal clan now fully supporting this, district based mps doesnt look like it's only being pushed by one clan. all civilized parliaments in the world share their parliament based on districts and it's a step towards the right direction which is one man one vote which will indeed be the next goal.
To be specific Abgaal are larger than D& M yet D&M have fewer districtsand still have a very large disproportionate share in the Somalia govt.


This is so freaking stupid. Even fewer seats for people who have been sidelined by 4.5. Other countries have political parties and promises/obligations which lead them to vote but nooooo Somalia votes on who collects firewood where.
Somalis even langaabs are dangerous.
Just look at Farax abdiqadir and Shariff Sakin they belong to lama oyan clans but they create fitna in the organisations they ran.


True but the more seats these clans have the better for them. Sharif Sakin survived an assassination attempt from his own people.
Assasination from Asharaf?
Langaabs suffer from inferiority complex syndrome.
Just look at Rooble dude he picks on Ogadeen and other large clans to show his relevance.


Not sure the exact clan but in his region which by the way is the most loyal to Kabaab because it protects their land which us the most fertile in Somalia.


Citizen of Southwest State
Mudulood lives in Mudug,Galgaduud,Hiiraan,Middle Shabelle,Lower Shabelle and Banaadir. Abgaal themselves are concentrated in 5 regions. :yousmart:
Lower Shabeelle kulaha. :childplease:
Wallahi waa lagaa soo mantajin doonaa xaaraantaad ka daragtey dhoofaaryahow xun oo damiirta la.
Lower Shabeelle kulaha. :childplease:
Wallahi waa lagaa soo mantajin doonaa xaaraantaad ka daragtey dhoofaaryahow xun oo damiirta la.
Hooyada was. Fucking ciyaal qurbaha ku koray aan waxba ogeyn baa tahay. Mudulood lives in shabelle hoose starting from jazeera to baraawe. There are abgaal sub sub clans that only lives in shabelle hoose not to mention wacdaan and moobleen. Go educate yourself you ignorant piece of shit


Citizen of Southwest State
Hooyada was. Fucking ciyaal qurbaha ku koray aan waxba ogeyn baa tahay. Mudulood lives in shabelle hoose starting from jazeera to baraawe. There are abgaal sub sub clans that only lives in shabelle hoose not to mention wacdaan and moobleen. Go educate yourself you ignorant piece of shit
Baraawe kulaha.:stopit:You dog, there's nothing for you in Baraawe or the rest of the Lower Shabeelle for that matter. My people have been living in the Lower Shabeelle since the 1400s. I don't care what happens north of Shabeellaha Hoose but don't bring that moryaanimo to my deegaans. Be content with Banaadir you fucking laangaab. :ohlord:

Dameer xun oo abgaal ah trying to claim my city.
War iska dhici Habargidirta who are bullying you in your ancestral land. Abgaal are bullied in Mogadishu by Habargidir yet this xoolo is discussing Shabeellaha Hoose.
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