Abz and fio


Hakuna matata
They did a YouTube video where they did a lie detector test. One question that was asked is if abz loves fio? and the lie detector said "No", Abz quicky says that's a lie, "I have two kids with you Ofcourse I love you". I felt this was a defence mechanism he was was using, from his body language in all his current videos I think he has lost interest in his wife. If you watch there first videos when they were freshly married he could never stop staring into FIO's eyes, now he never looks at her like that.

I believe fig genuinely loves him even the lie detector said she does and she still stares at him like they are a brand new couple.

He also said he is happy that Fios parents aren't alive which was a weird thing to agree too.

Here is the video . Please watch and analyze his body language and behavior.

I think he's trying to find a way out of this relationship.

salma saluuni

For the thrill💃🏽
I get a strong vibe from you, not just from this thread but other threads you previously made


It’s just natural your like that after you’ve been married for a while
And it was all kaftan your reading too deep into it
Married couples especially ones that got married so young may at some point lose the chemistry or spark they once had. It's not the end of the world and if they are committed to each other they can turn it around.


Kick in the door wavin the .44
I see what you mean, but I would say, marriage is for life, so potentially decades of your life. I think it’s humanly impossible to maintain the same energy of interest in anything over long periods of times. Marriage is no different. Sparkly, fizzy, newlywed love isn’t the only type of love, and love isn’t the only ingredient required for a marriage to work.

I like abz and fiyo, I wish they’d keep their r’ship off social media. The evil eye is real.


Veni Vidi Vici
Evil Eye is a true thing. Posting relationships on YT never end well.

But speculations ain't needed really