Advice To All Of My Young Unmarried Farax


I am NOT a federal agent
Most of you are 15-19 years of age so you are not financially well off to marry. But you want the malab.

In order to keep your sexual desires in check practice semen retention. Basically don't beat off or have sex until marriage. when this happens you will have a surplus of energy in your body and you can use that to go after your goals.

Now that that is taken care of you have to now get money, either get a job or go to college if going to secondary education pick a useful IN DEMAND major that will make you money. If you don't want college then get a job like construction or some other high paying blue collar work. Save up for like 4-5 years or you can invest your money to start a business. Now you have lots of money! Go back home and use that money to benefit the community as a whole. Don't just build a hotel for rich people, build schools make jobs and give back.

You need to be physically fit. when you are doing semen retention you will be very energetic and what better way to use it that to work out and build the body you were meant to have. Do a starter program with compound lifts and eat clean but a lot. Just stay consistent and the results will come

You also need to be focused on your connection to Allah and your deen. don't just think about DO it. Pray more, fast more, extra charity and so forth.

I know u want girls but trust me saxib sadly it's not the old days where we would be married right now so we now have to grind for a bit to be established.

Please NEVER chase girls you build your life and watch them flock to it.

If you happen to get married to a girl that lives in the west (my apologies) make sure she has strong deen before anything else. She will be the mother of your children so you want your children to be good. Don't register your marriage the western way it is a disaster and will leave you suicidal. Don't be afraid to have gheerah and please do not let her go out alone with "friends" or have non mahram "friends"And if she is actively posting on social media I am truly sorry for you.

If having a future in Somalia is what you desire then get married to a girl there.

Don't be caught lacking and think that now you are married you "won" The second you let yourself go and lose your edge, she not gonna be attracted to you no more. Always be good physical condition and dress nice and be mature enough to raise a family.

If she is arguing and always whining pay her no mind (unless it is serious) Don't fall for the bait.

If there is no regular sex for no valid reason get a second wife and see how fast she changes.

Don't eva be domesticated by ur girl.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I'm 13 I am not no simp thats facts also do cold showers and pushups


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Please. I want to see more fit Somali men. even the fobs on tiktok are more handsome and everyday I’m thinking of joining them. Watch out y’all.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴

I am sore arms right now :yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe: too much pushup