Advice To Fathers Regarding The Khawārij by Shaykh Sulaymān ibn Salīmullāh al-Ruḥaylī (حفظه الله)

Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
So being against rulers of the country who do not fully implement the sharee'ah, as is the case in every Muslim country, means that person is of the khawaarij? What kind of logic is that?

Omar del Sur

So being against rulers of the country who do not fully implement the sharee'ah, as is the case in every Muslim country, means that person is of the khawaarij? What kind of logic is that?

you realize that by itself is not sufficient for takfir. we have to really understand the principles before we can just go around making takfir on people.

Omar del Sur

I remember a while back people were trying to press me to make takfir on Ilhan Omar... honestly I think it would be justified in her case these days but this was a few years ago when it wasn't as obviously just how deviant she was.... very insistent on trying to pressure me into making takfir... this mentality of let's make takfir on people left and right.... I was told Ilhan Omar is a kaffir, Sheikh Fawzan is a kaffir.... we should just make takfir on every Muslim leader in the world? the whole mentality is dangerous.....

people get all worked up about revolution and takfiring leaders.... the ideas in their mind are more important to them than the concrete well-being of the people and of the country......

this is the mentality of someone like Che Guevara... it is s Che Guevara, Marxist type mentality wrapped in an Islamic veneer....

I've read Che, I have his writings, I've read his biography.... it's a foreign ideology trying to creep into Islam....

it is very familiar to me.... "viva la revolución".... it is not a part of Islam....

I know Che Guevara type ideology and you can't stick it in an Islamic-looking cloth and then tell me it's Islamic....

it's literally not that different than the mentality of blm, antifa or the proud boys.... those people cause trouble.... what have those people done for the country? their only function is to destroy and destabilize the country

Omar del Sur

I detest it.... the people who are all about revolution, revolution, revolution- I'm not saying I detest the people but I detest the ideology.... basically literally the exact same ideology was in Mexico in the 1910's.... the revolutionaries destroyed the country.... Mexico in the 1910's was like Somalia today..... and it was literally almost entirely the exact same ideology... the only difference is a superficial "Islamic" veneer... it has nothing to do with Islam... it originates with Freemasonry.... the entire revolution was directed by Freemasonry.... then the Freemasons infiltrated the Muslim world and pushed literally the exact same ideology with a thin Islamic veneer

Omar del Sur

the Quran already tells what the solution is

Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.

-Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:11

you cannot pick up an AK-47 and go create chaos in the society and change the inner moral condition of the people..... it is like wanting instant workout results with a magic pill rather than the slow, lengthy process....


there are cases where revolution makes sense. but those cases are the exception. in general, revolution in almost every historical case makes the situation worse. I do not tire of denouncing this misguided ideology because I do not want Marxist ideology mixed in with my dīn.

Omar del Sur

"Freemasonry is a secret political society whose goal is to put an end to all religions and good morals, and to replace them with man-made laws and non-religious systems. It strives to provoke ongoing revolutions and to replace one regime with another, on the basis of its call for freedom of thought and freedom of belief. This is what they have stated clearly."

Like I said- this whole "revolution, revolution, viva la revolución" ideology comes from Freemasonry. Allah told us in the Quran that He will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. This idea that we need to be Che Guevara with a Muslim twist is a foreign element.

Omar del Sur


this is a whole book on the subject. if this discussion were in person, I might offer to loan my copy

this is another book on the subject
