Africans not performing well reinforces the stereotype that they are lazy


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Nope way more than 7k somalis in Australia an the lebanese population in Australia is around 300k

Yeah, it’s very clear the census isn’t very accurate when it comes to some populations in Australia.

You can find Somalis in every state and territory in Australia.
Who cares? Racists will hate you regardless of what you do, stop caring about what they think. It doesn’t matter how you act, you could be the CEO of a multimillion dollar company and they wouldn’t care. You could be a well respected entrepreneur and they wouldn’t care. You could cure cancer and they wouldn’t care. The only thing they will ever see when they look at you is a ni**er.

Stop wasting your time on avoiding being a stereotype because it doesn’t matter. They don’t care if you’re lazy or not, the problem is your skin colour and it always will be. All this does is lie to Africans, telling them that if they just avoid acting like the stereotype, then the racists will like them. Which isn’t true. They will hate you no matter what you do. Don’t waste your time with this nonsense. They’ll always find a way to hate you.
There are too many on this forum with low self-esteem that rests on the fragile foundations of these white folks' reasons for not liking us.

If Oprah, the first African American woman to reach billionaire status has repeatedly experienced racial discrimination at the upper echelons of society, why on earth are there black Africans (yes, not nObLe mAcRObiAnS) on this forum crying about dadka cadaan and his petty disdain for us?
How do I put it this way without sounding like a coomer?

The most common excuse on why Africans are not performing well in the West is “they came from war torn or destitute country” as refugees.

Every reer Aussies here will know how Italians and Greeks came here poor in the 1960s and built themselves from scratch while coping with racism and hardships.

Same with Vietnamese and Balkan who came here in large numbers as refugees due to the wars in their country and they built themselves from scratch while coping with racism and hardships.

The same thing with Lebanese, Iraqis and Kurds.

It hurts to see the vast majority of their second and third generation doing well thanks to their family and community’s support.

Sure, some African communities are doing well but nowhere in the same level as others. No where near as them in terms of work ethic. Go look at their areas, it’s full of Asian shops.

On top of that, there’s many Blacks in Europe that lived for a long time but live as a low class. Whereas, immigrants that moves in tend to quickly climb up. WHY?

It’s degrading to see lots are reinforcing the stereotype that Africans are lazy, have low IQ and are freeloaders. :jcoleno:
I’m pretty sure Nigerians do the best in school


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
idk about the other africans but somalis have recently arrived from 1990s we have only been here for 30 years or so and thats definitely not enough time to make something of ourselves but I am seeing very good progress many of us left government housing, getting more stable jobs and we have an increase of our current generation getting into higher education and stable jobs I say that at the current pace we are going somalis are doing very well in australia.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Warya stop lying on Reer Kangaroo's name for the cheap dopamine hit of SSpot likes and comments.

The Somali-Australian diaspora is younger than many of our North American and European counterparts yet we're making significant strides in the right direction compared to them.

Of course, there will always be those ciyaalsuuq who try to ruin it for the rest of us, but it's undeniable that there's an overall upward trend with us here (and in the West, overall) and we can only continue to progress from here.

Check out this old thread where @DR OSMAN and @Periplus get into specifics of Somalis here in our country, it's nowhere near as doom-and-gloom as you portray it here:

If you want to check out some international Somali diaspora success stories, search up older threads from 2018-2019 by this inactive user named @AussieHustler

But whatever you do, don't encourage a pessimistic mindset that runs counter to reality, you self-hating weirdo.
Out of all the somali diasporas we have the least ciyaalsuuq the ratio between the educated and ciyaalsuuq somalis in australia is very significant as well 😂
Mainly European wogs that value the outside. For Arabs, about 50-50. They care more about how their interior should look than exterior.

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Doesn’t matter if you don’t value a property, people will judge you (like me) if you leave it untidy. Unfortunately, I have encountered so MANY Africans that leave them neglected and pretend nothing happens.

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