Salaam brothers and sisters,

I give you here my complete list of potential airdrops.
Some of you may already have airdrops waiting, please check out this service
Please be advised there is no guarantee there will be an airdrop, try only if you understand this and will accept costs of using.

My personal receipe - strategy

Always do a minimum of 6 - 10 swaps, try to set up to be an LP on (Optimism, Arbitrum, etc)
Consider depositing no less than 200 - 1000 USD. Keep in mind ETH gas is expensive, try this early around noon or late fridays. Do not delay this, airdrops could be iminent end of 2021 or early 2022.

Also Solana is a blessing, the txn is very cheap, do not forget this.

I've stated this before, I wish as many as possible of my Somali fam, to eat well with me in these opportunities. Do not trust completely the task list. You may want to overdo a bit..

ProjectBlockchainStatusTask list (not veriable only hypothesis)Notat
ZkSyncEthereumFinalizedDeposit + create NFt + use testnet
OptimismEthereumFinalizedUse the official bridge ( + BC (blockchain)
ArbitrumEthereumFinalizedUse the official bridge ( + BC (blockchain)
XpollinateEthereumFinalizedHave use the bridge
ZK.moneyEthereumFinalized Use Aztec
Opensea.ioEthereumFinalizedUse mobil app + buy, sell, make offers on NFTs
AngleEthereumUse the protocol on Rinkeby Testnet
InfinityEthereumMake transaction on OpenSea before October 4th, 2021 11:59PM UTC
PrysmEthereumFinalizedUse the protocol
ZigZag ExchangeEthereumFinalizedHave make a swap
Fractional ArtEthereumIn progressFractional NFT or having a fractional NFT
QilinEthereumUse the protocol
CharmEthereumUse the protocol
UmbraEthereumUse the protocol - send hverandre penger?
PraxisEthereumComplete the tasks and post in the demo channel on their discord: https://**********/NnuCwuxPse
UnagiiEthereumUse the protocol
HorizonEthereumUse the protocol in beta
HashflowEthereumUse the protocol
Zora.coEthereumKjøp NFTGame det i volum?
CozyEthereumUse the protocol
RektEthereumMake a Gitcoin's donation + subscribe to newsletter and enter an Ethereum adress
BetaEthereumDeposit and/or borrow tokens
Kyve NetworkEthereum testnetUse the testnet + LP?
BackdEthereum testnetUse the testnet + LP?
SwivelEthereum testnetUse the protocol on the Rinkeby testnet
SacredEthereum testnetHave used the protocol on Kovan Testnet
ParsiqSolanaSee article
Psy OptionsSolanaBuy an option
FranciumSolanaFinalizedUse the protocol
PhantomSolanaUse the wallet (receive tokens, send tokens, swap on their interface)
ZetaSolanaUse the protocol in alpha
DriftSolanaLong or Short a token on the devnetIkke mulig må ha NFT billett
O1SolanaBuy an option
SoceanSolanaStake $SOL on their protocol
ApricotSolanaFinalizedBe an early user on the protocolForsent ute
JupiterSolanaMake swaps
HawksightSolanaUse the protocol
SymmetrySolanaMake swaps
SonarWatchSolanaHave used the tracker + make swaps
WormholeMulti networkFinalizedUse the bridge
Hop ProtocolMulti networkFinalizedUse the bridge + be LP + stake the LP
InstrumentalMulti networkHave used xpollinate, celer bridge, Hop protocol and Composable Finance's Mosaic
ApeBoardMulti networkCreate a profil + make a swap + make a donation
ZerionMulti networkHave mint the NFT + Use the protocol
SynFuturesMulti networkUse the protocol
VolmexMulti networkUse the protocol
SlingshotPolygonDo swaps
JarvisPolygonUse the protocol
Robo vaultFantomUse vaults
Rarity MMOFantomPlay the game
TerraswapTerraUse the protocol
TerraLandTerraSee link
TinymanAlgorandUse the protocol on mainnet (And use the protocol on testnet)
Soy FinanceCalisto networkHave swap or add liquidity on Uniswap on Ethereum or Arbitrum between 16/11 and 30/11
MinswapCardanoHave make 5 tx
Last edited:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Already got phantom wallet lol Had to use it to get KYC on StarLaunch Monkey balls IDO.
huge game coming out with IDO next week
Salaam brothers and sisters.

Many of you I understand cannot afford expensive transactions.

I strongly recommend you look at Solana projects in the list above, a transaction costs a few dollars.

Also here is a treat

Kyve NetworkEthereum testnetUse the testnet + LP?
BackdEthereum testnetUse the testnet + LP?
SwivelEthereum testnetUse the protocol on the Rinkeby testnet
SacredEthereum testnetHave used the protocol on Kovan Testnet

these are FREE test projects that will give you test tokens, and possibly, Insha Allah might reward early users in one way.

