AL Shabaab's New Front in ex amisom bases and close to Cadale border kkkk

Amisom left miirtaqwo in june and now Biyacade both are likely to fall to Al Shabaab 🤣🤣🤣

Turn this thread into your Cawaan life 🤣🤣

The Useless agoonyar have been rescued by Hawadle im totally against this but my clan is doing for two reasons; to use Al Shabaab as a bogeyman so they can expand more in to their flooded fertile land as long Al Shabaab there Hawadle will be there they start their cabaad and booto on media when they are safe.
Their war correspondents thanking us but yesterday they were different karaamo maleh iidow now doesnt mind Nuurdheere going up to mahaday agoonyar will sell their mothers when they are needy🤣🤣



They hare now 40km inside east Middle Shabelle they also take their livestock as ganiimo for macawisley like they force their trucks to psy jisya for using the road that was constracted by Abgaal 🤣🤣

The other reason is as Abgaals cant fight they want to keep sgabaab away from their checkpoints they collect tax from Abgaals. Ceelbaraf Deputy DC explains this that Hawadle have imposed on them taxes from west and East of Ceelbaraf so they r protecting this business

Now Al Shabaab opened new front between mahaday and Jowhar they r heading to biyacade . Saabuun is 10km from Jowhar. My clan will not go beyond Mahaday 🤣🤣
I expect them to connect with the Al Shabaab of Ceelbacad.




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