Aleppo has been liberated

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The rebels will just become an insurgency, nothing will change. It will make them more determined.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This war will completely destroy Syria. Even if Assad takes Aleppo, continues on to Jisr al Shoghour and Idlib, I don;t see how any of is sustainable in the long run. The Alawites are 12% of Syria's population and the only way these gains can be sustained is if Russia, Iran and Hezbollah all maintain their current level of involvement. Without their presence the SAA would lose Aleppo, and probably the entirety of the north. The Alawites simply do not have the numbers to impose themselves like the Shia are doing in Iraq. The saddest part of it all is the radicalization of the rebels who are now all basically Alqaeda light. This war will continue for the next couple of decades.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
This war will completely destroy Syria. Even if Assad takes Aleppo, continues on to Jisr al Shoghour and Idlib, I don;t see how any of is sustainable in the long run. The Alawites are 12% of Syria's population and the only way these gains can be sustained is if Russia, Iran and Hezbollah all maintain their current level of involvement. Without their presence the SAA would lose Aleppo, and probably the entirety of the north. The Alawites simply do not have the numbers to impose themselves like the Shia are doing in Iraq. The saddest part of it all is the radicalization of the rebels who are now all basically Alqaeda light. This war will continue for the next couple of decades.
I'm sure if things continue how they are going, then the rebels will probably just surrender and the international community will come together to defeat AQ like in Iraq.

If somewhere like Baghdad which was the city of Sunnis can turn into a shia stronghold, then I don't think Syria will be as hard to turn shia. Especially if Assad wins the war.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I'm sure if things continue how they are going, then the rebels will probably just surrender and the international community will come together to defeat AQ like in Iraq.

If somewhere like Baghdad which was the city of Sunnis can turn into a shia stronghold, then I don't think Syria will be as hard to turn shia. Especially if Assad wins the war.

Iraq was already majority Shia, and they already lived in Baghdad. The Sunni Arabs in Syria are probably 60-65% of the population, it is not possible to shift Syria. What is more likely to happen is the prolonging of the civil war by the Russians and Iranians. The lack of cohesion amongst the Sunnis is the root cause of them losing this round in the game, they may have better luck in the next round.

Sunni business class in Aleppo were on the side of Assad


It's just strange that the Syrian army are finally starting to make gains in there. Just like how strange it is that ISIS are losing territory all of sudden when Trump was declared the next president of the United States. I am not trying to say that there is a correlation here but I remember when Obama took to office. Remember how during Obama's presidency they were able to capture and kill Osama Bin Laden? After that Al Qaeda pretty much became history. A few years into his presidency, we hear that there is a new threat that is called ISIS. It is as if with each US president there seems to be a new threat that the people will be notified on. I wonder what the new threat will be during Trump's presidency if ISIS continues to lose more territory in Iraq. Will Trump capture the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during his presidency? Will ISIS become history? Don't forget that there are ISIS and other terrorist groups fighting in Syria and masquerading as rebels, or the media portraying and identifying them as rebels. I wonder what happened to the "Free Syrian Army."
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