Ali dawah makes a video about Akafi Ali

He had to empathize his ethnicity in the beginning I don't know what this guy has against Somalis, the worst thing is he's bashing the the Muslim Somali people in the comment sections for condeming the fruity behaviour and f@ggotry.
I didn't know when practising muslim akh da'wee's start defending homosexuals since when?

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Ali Dawah has nothing to offer in terms of knowledge and aqeedah of the deen so he has to resort to policing to get views.

I think he’s still sour over the Somali girl not marrying him because his father said no lol
They Make Dawah In Europe But Have Cristians And Jews In Their Lands


Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
I avoid Ali Dawah videos coz of the clickbaits and using Islam to get views.

By the way, I thought Akafi is a troll but the guy has redeemed himself in his last video. He also addressed the gay rumors, why he never cleared his name and his love for his people and somali culture. Also, I didn't know he was born in Muqdisho. I have lots respect for walalkey, such a humble soul :it0tdo8::it0tdo8:
