Thats the Texan economic strategy use oil to get rich once you do that diversify the economy and use royalties to fund the government eliminating income taxes will incentivize buissness growth and foreign investmentSomalia should be a low/no tax economy. For best booming practise
Can you tell us what exactly the ‘taxes’ collected thus far have been used for?These people want a functional, self-sustaining government but don't want to pay any taxes and expect the international community to bankroll it instead. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Somalia's government collects only $200 million domestically, which amounts to just 2% of GDP—far below the global average of 15%. The remainder of the budget is supplemented via international aid.
This is one of the primary reasons the FGS does not serve the best interests of Somalia but rather those of its donors. Those who fund the government dictate its direction. If Somali citizens were the primary funders of their government, they would ensure that its course aligns with their best interests rather than allowing donor countries to steer the ship. There's no such thing as a free lunch, If you want sovereignty over your country, then pay your taxes!