All religions are one


I get sick and tired of religious infighting about who worships god the right way or what name they call god and all these petty matters. We know deep down we are referring to that 'unknown source' of power and one-ness, the first, the last, the small, the big and all in between. U can call it energy, or in science an invisible force like the 'wind' or the holy spirit as christian call it. Let's stop this nonsensical rubbish or else 'atheism' will continue to grow in response to these infighting between religions as we start to see religion has taken on the shape of 'agendas' of men, cultures, wealth, or politics.

Look at this amazing clip I am going to release to you guys regarding 'adam and hawa' or 'adam and eve' as they call it in the west. These are the father n mother of all men and women alive today. In Somali tongue 'hawa' can mean 'sky or air' such as 'hawada' or 'hawa' or in christian language the holy 'spirit' basically it's an invisible force such as the 'wind' but different. I studied our mother eve because they say after adam sinned in paradise and was kicked out, he was forgiven later on but not his 'children' which is us as we need to pay for our own 'debts' of 'sins' as christians say which is 'birth' in this earthly 'realm' which isn't heaven nor is it exactly hell, it's an in-between existence so we 'feel both' worlds as we are 'tested' by god.

I am looking at jesus lately and it's funny how his body has never been recovered and even if his body is recovered is it a 'holy body' since it was born thru the 'word of god' ama 'amarka illahi ayuu ku dhashay' not so much thru 'sexual animalistic way' that we are born. I would still like to think since he ate, drank, slept, shat, his body was still 'sinful' like our bodies or else he wouldn't need to do those things like it was unheard of in paradise to shit, sleep, eat, your body was satisfied at all times no hunger at all, no addictions or balwads, no stress, u wud just be chilling constantly. Plus jesus did say 'oh father why u forsaken me' on the cross, so to me this is a clear indication 'he was having faith issues' with god sending on a mission only for god to leave him at the most painful hour, maybe god was testing him and jesus didn't know at the time, cuz when death come sxb, it's the hardest thing to comprehend, what wud u say in your final second or final hour or final month of life? so I give jesus the benefit of the doubt also.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I get sick and tired of religious infighting about who worships god the right way or what name they call god and all these petty matters. We know deep down we are referring to that 'unknown source' of power and one-ness, the first, the last, the small, the big and all in between. U can call it energy, or in science an invisible force like the 'wind' or the holy spirit as christian call it. Let's stop this nonsensical rubbish or else 'atheism' will continue to grow in response to these infighting between religions as we start to see religion has taken on the shape of 'agendas' of men, cultures, wealth, or politics.

Look at this amazing clip I am going to release to you guys regarding 'adam and hawa' or 'adam and eve' as they call it in the west. These are the father n mother of all men and women alive today. In Somali tongue 'hawa' can mean 'sky or air' such as 'hawada' or 'hawa' or in christian language the holy 'spirit' basically it's an invisible force such as the 'wind' but different. I studied our mother eve because they say after adam sinned in paradise and was kicked out, he was forgiven later on but not his 'children' which is us as we need to pay for our own 'debts' of 'sins' as christians say which is 'birth' in this earthly 'realm' which isn't heaven nor is it exactly hell, it's an in-between existence so we 'feel both' worlds as we are 'tested' by god.

I am looking at jesus lately and it's funny how his body has never been recovered and even if his body is recovered is it a 'holy body' since it was born thru the 'word of god' ama 'amarka illahi ayuu ku dhashay' not so much thru 'sexual animalistic way' that we are born. I would still like to think since he ate, drank, slept, shat, his body was still 'sinful' like our bodies or else he wouldn't need to do those things like it was unheard of in paradise to shit, sleep, eat, your body was satisfied at all times no hunger at all, no addictions or balwads, no stress, u wud just be chilling constantly. Plus jesus did say 'oh father why u forsaken me' on the cross, so to me this is a clear indication 'he was having faith issues' with god sending on a mission only for god to leave him at the most painful hour, maybe god was testing him and jesus didn't know at the time, cuz when death come sxb, it's the hardest thing to comprehend, what wud u say in your final second or final hour or final month of life? so I give jesus the benefit of the doubt also.
Good to have u back I think Christianity has many contradictions though


The doctor gave up on 'man made' religions with 'agendas' behind it or 'arguments' as their should be no argument about something no-one fully understands anyways and we should all surrender ourselves to him or her or whatever u want to call it. The second there is an argument, The doctor will walk away and disbelieve in that silly ass man made cult masquarading around as a religion.

Oromia President

I stan both Troye Sivan and 486th President
Glad to see your back I’m a lurker by the way just started posting today I like your threads 👍🏻


@Jimmer @Boogie people forget the great story of 'musa' who I consider my 'personal idol' not 'muhammad' and even muhammad said musa was in the highest of 'heavens'. Jesus for 30 years was in the protection of god, he was only tested for 3 years of his life, where-as musa actually 'heard god' and then god 'disappeared' for 40 years as he wandered around the desert with his 'beesha' keeping them on marching and teaching them the one-ness of god when at the time people were like we are today we have 'rappers as gods' today which is how low we gone or 'pop idols or movie stars' and shit.

The gods of musa time were no different they were gods and goddesses of different 'worldly desires' like 'gods of war, wealth, goddess of sex, power, etc'. Musa story really intrigues me the most as my personal 'idol' no man has gone 40 years from hearing god voice and then being thrown out back in the world of idolatry which is like our world today even our mosques are idolatry as we worship men who have 'beards and eat with 3 fingers' kkkkkk musa was fighting this type of world the one u live in where u seek 'men guidance'.

Musa story touches me cause it represents to me trying to save me 'clan family' the majerteen in the midst of somali wild pigs as I try to march them on the 'true path' away from 'somalinimo' and into 'majertenimo' like musa did for beeshisa 'israel', that's why i love musa story, he was a qabili like me but he was loved by god, muhammad wasn't qabili, he actually gave the quran for free to the world, which a qabili like me wud think is SILLLY but it shows u how 'merciful' the prophet muhammad was and not keep it to his own clan.


Lmaooo what a trip. Spiritual mumbo-jumbo and the false etymologies were the best parts.

The spiritual component is very simple 'the illusion' you see the 'physical' world is 'physical' you can touch, smell, taste, hear, think but how it got here is 'spiritual' as physical on top of physical development just never 'ends' it's like trying to build a 'skyscraper' to god like they did in 'babylon' they thought they cud reach god thru 'physical' acts of 'building or science' kkkkkk well the 'sky doesnt' end is what they were 'ignorant' of and what caused that 'equation' to fall flat on it's face. The physical and spiritual are 'two different' areas of studies and should never be 'intermixed'


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Musa story touches me cause it represents to me trying to save me 'clan family' the majerteen in the midst of somali wild pigs as I try to march them on the 'true path' away from 'somalinimo' and into 'majertenimo' like musa did for beeshisa 'israel', that's why i love musa story, he was a qabili like me but he was loved by god, muhammad wasn't qabili, he actually gave the quran for free to the world, which a qabili like me wud think is SILLLY but it shows u how 'merciful' the prophet muhammad was and not keep it to his own clan.