Allah’s giving & wisdom Ibrahim Dewla

This is an excerpt from one of Ibrahim Dewla’s speeches. Its translated more or less meaning.

To despair from Allah is disbelief. A disbeliever doesn’t have any hope from Allah. Rather his hopes are tied to his possessions, position, business, and wealth. Our hopes should be tied to Allah. Whoever despairs from Allah has nothing else they can rely on. Hence, no one should despair. Allah utilizes both wisdom and power in his doing.

Through his power Allah has created heavens and earth. In fostering human being, Allah utilizes both wisdom and power. Wisdom is a secret that is beyond grasp of human being. This is why we become frightened ‘why did this happen?’ Due to which Allah sends messengers so they can explain both Allah’s wisdom & Allah’s power. Allah does through his power yet wisdom precedes it.

Once Musa (as) was going somewhere there was poor man stuck in mud. He requested Musa “Allah’s Prophet see I have no clothes, no food, trying to hide myself in mud so body is not revealed, have mercy on me, pray for my condition!” This is common among people even today.

Musa (as) then prayed for him and went his way.

There came a time Musa (as) came back & saw crowd of people. He asked, “what happened?”

Reply came that a man got drunk then ended up killing someone. In consequence he is now being sentenced to death. Musa (as) saw this was the same man that was stuck in mud.

Allah wanted to show Musa (as) there was wisdom why that man was in that condition. When opulence came, money came, he went out of control. His being poor was due to wisdom; not because Allah doesn’t have power to make him wealthy rather Allah can make this man wealthy.

This was written by Sheikh Saadi in Mauritan. After narrating story of Musa (as) he quoted

“And if Allah had extended [excessively] provision for His servants, they would have committed tyranny throughout the earth.” (42:27 Quran)

This is why people have conditions, someone is poor, someone is sick etc. There are different wisdom behind it sometimes to nurture/raise stature of human being, sometimes for his wellness.

People are unaware & complain. Rather we should have faith in Allah’s wisdom.


