Local soldiers and police today have done a massive number on AS, the Dolow to Luuq corridor has been cleansed of the terrorists as well as the BeledHawo to Luuq and Beledhawo to Dolow corridor. Additionally more troops comprising of Jubbaland state forces and the local authorities of the neighbouring towns with their ciidan as well as the regional inhabitants and police are putting together another force to deal with AS and to deal another devastating blow to the khawarij.
Local clan millitas also circled back around the khwarijj who were caught in between ciidanka deeganka and the millitas and gave them a total route destroying a large portion of the khawarij and several junior officers
Beesha marexaan ayaa hada soo afjarey dagaalka ay u adeegsadeen hubka culus Goordhow ayey xabada soo dhamaatey qawariij cashir lama iloowaan ayaa loo dhigay.
Muqaal toos ah oo dagaalkii socda ayaa hawada ku soo jiro..
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