Allahu Akbar, Massive Defeat for AS today in Gedo

Somali Saayid

Cilaanle - Bangeele - Caabudwaaq

Local soldiers and police today have done a massive number on AS, the Dolow to Luuq corridor has been cleansed of the terrorists as well as the BeledHawo to Luuq and Beledhawo to Dolow corridor. Additionally more troops comprising of Jubbaland state forces and the local authorities of the neighbouring towns with their ciidan as well as the regional inhabitants and police are putting together another force to deal with AS and to deal another devastating blow to the khawarij.

Local clan millitas also circled back around the khwarijj who were caught in between ciidanka deeganka and the millitas and gave them a total route destroying a large portion of the khawarij and several junior officers

Beesha marexaan ayaa hada soo afjarey dagaalka ay u adeegsadeen hubka culus Goordhow ayey xabada soo dhamaatey qawariij cashir lama iloowaan ayaa loo dhigay.

Muqaal toos ah oo dagaalkii socda ayaa hawada ku soo jiro..

More Updates soon


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Marehan putting those fresh weapons to use against al kebab mashallah

Somali Saayid

Cilaanle - Bangeele - Caabudwaaq
Marehan putting those fresh weapons to use against al kebab mashallah
That's a different marehan sxb but mashallah anyways always good to see the terrorists getting their asses handed to them althought some of the soldiers apparently have recieved guns and ammunition from their relatives up north like this lad here carrying a sniper



A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
That's a different marehan sxb but mashallah anyways always good to see the terrorists getting their asses handed to them
😂 I thought it was the ones that seized new weapons it doesnt matter anyways aslong as al kebab is getting shot up I am happy 👍

Somali Saayid

Cilaanle - Bangeele - Caabudwaaq
Ciidanka Luuq maagalda Doolow soo gareey
Let Egyptians and Ethiopians stay where they are
"Gedo Save waaye"

Somali Saayid

Cilaanle - Bangeele - Caabudwaaq
War dag dag

Wararka aan heleeyno ayaaa ah in Shaatoolow ilaa waqtigaan ay Xabada socota wafdigii saaka kasoobaxay Dagmada Luuq oo Waayadaan ujoogay Dib uheeshiisinti Rabshadii kadhacday Dagmadas ayaa saaka isku gacan saaray Alshabaab Shaatoolow ,Gurmadkii kabaxay Dagmada Balad-xaawo Iyo Doolow ayaa wali gaarin oo kusugan Geedweyne ilaa hada lama soosheegin qasaaraha kadhashay Dagaal kaas

Somali Saayid

Cilaanle - Bangeele - Caabudwaaq
I don't have Facebook so I cannot view those posts. What's going on? Who attacked who?
Local security forces have routed AS forces which were attempting to set up new isbaaros on the Luuq to Doolow road. It's been a day filled with heavy losses for AS and more more reinforcements are pouring from other towns to cleanse the nearby districts of the terrorists
Congratulations reer gedo. I know I am harsh on you sometimes but it’s all out of love. You guys are geesi.

The most important thing to do now is to hold on. Be prepared for any future counterattacks they’ll come with
Local security forces have routed AS forces which were attempting to set up new isbaaros on the Luuq to Doolow road. It's been a day filled with heavy losses for AS and more more reinforcements are pouring from other towns to cleanse the nearby districts of the terrorists
Where's the "Massive Defeat" in that??


90% of Gedo is under Al Shabab control