America has 1-0 advantage on the Soviets, and sometimes I really do think their putting on a facade or stalling or setting up fake images. It's best for our areas not to play around here and ask for a neutral status from both states. We don't have the capacity for this area and everything must start small, we need to work around our neighborhood and forget this stuff.
Let the arabs play among it, we should stay clear of it. It's not in our interest at all to come anywhere near these people, faraha kala baxa unless it's neutrality discussion. Oman did it and americans are advised we only want to talk from neutrality perspective. You don't have to play if you don't want too and it's not beneficial as you have no track record to review other then 30 years of drinking your own piss after the soviets.
I must give it to non-aligned nations, it's honorable not to play if your not confident with your ability.
I agree with Farmajo 100% we have 30 years last time we played a side to lick our wounds from. Neutral position should be discussed with an oman model in mind that is satisfied by saudi and qatar and turkey. Kibradina soo dhista boqol sano intadan cayaarta dhex galin. America played neutral up untill 1950s or world war 2 and it only moved cause it came to their house. There is no shame in neutrality.
Do not decide what the neutrality looks like. Let Saudi and Qatar decide and Turkey and let them pass it onto their partners usa and russia. We just accept what they consider neutral. Just point to oman and how it is and if the outcome looks like that, just honor it, shared policy on red sea matters regardless of govt.
If u get a neutrality, stabilize and then move into neutralized nations or areas that have no immediate impact and develop back up lifelines and write down how it will be done and scan the hands before u do there. Tell the turks/qatar/saudis dont risk syria over somalia, if the sunnis break down here, the break down will flow in all the areas their united in fighting shia which god knows what will happen if they even do get rid of them, they should sign neutral deal because it's far more at stake in syria for them. This is just icing or something they can do without.
Tell them dont break yourselves over a few kids with ak 47 to jepordize your own united front in syria where the stakes are clearly higher and could mean a shia win. Iyo foreign policy dhigta in sheekoyin kululaday lama dhex gali karo aduunka dhinac walbo ha noqoto, if the death toll is running in the millions, immediately faraha kala baxa dhinac walbo.
Don't let them test their foreign policy on your bodies, waxad tahay nacaska keliya. They're taking lessons learned on your blood.
Most Somalis need to shut their mouth in foreign policy areas around security, u have 30 year fail record from the stunt on the soviets. Just ask to observe and learn and take notes but do not contribute anything or any views unless u putting bodies on the line, afkaga meesha ka xiro ha ku noqdo keliya meel lagu kibrad qaado dhiig daadinta for yourself. Someone who has bodies to reinforce his views isnt the same as bystander so know your role, i dont think they object that u sit there and take notes for lessons.
We have to take into consideration in Somalia we dealing with a unit compared to the rest of the world, we probably are a lot stronger then africans though but nothing on the scale of europeans, russians, or arabs or turks or chinese.
We can eat most africa up, we destroyed the ethiopians, if the cards didnt change. Settled farmers are less resistant to war. Thats why the southerners are shocking in recovering. We need to tank up on recovery rates for any wars. We need to learn how to war and then next day everything was fine. That culture is there in nomadic side of somalia.
Notice our reer miyi they always fight and then recover like nothing happened. It's always the settled fuckwits and farmers who can't learn to let it go. That is called strong recovery rate cause their used to it and know they need to toughen up if they going to ever make it tommorow. They don't have the choice of whining about shit or their camels start to die off.
We must enshrine nomadic culture into all our soldiers regardless if their farmers or not when in the military, they must teach them how they do it and move on quickly from it. Notice they had so many battles and wars the nomads and still do but look at the peace level among them, wa rag yaqan dagaalka iyo nabada, their battle hardened thats why.
The nomads even say gal dil iyo gartisa si, they encounter non muslims that's why and they don't kill em untill they have no choice and it's on the war but if it's peace, then they let it be. A study of the mongols approach is a good history lesson for our soldiers as the theme is similar their nomadic and they tend to be the most peaceful also when there is peace look at the bedouins.
We need a find a way to keep their lifestyle going strong and not die out, that's where the discipline, morality, heart, will come from and recovery thresholds. The rest is just plans from generals which can be influenced thru history, contemporary war, looking at animals and your position vs the other, this is takes time only but the other one isn't possible to learn. Then it's equipments only and training on it.
I think if we plan right, we can reach around CIO or just below it in architecture position in the world. That's even hard as hell in itself. CIO position is like EU-JAPS, but just below it around architect position. That's is gonna be hard as hell, I saw CIO areas of an organization, it's not all it's worked up to be and I haven't even returned to architect position so somalia is gonna take a long time sxb.
I haven't seen CEO side which is Russia China America. On either side of the franchise. I am not sure how china works yet but Russia is starting develop and could get massive if the mb brotherhood goes thru for them. Then have your own backup lifelines going plus just below CIO somewhere in a key role.
Right now though we battered up from one section right somewhere deep in the network and being switched around, we been escalated from ethiopia to take it up a notch cause we are to difficult to handle which may mean a libya model, syria models, yemen models.
Right now just scan each section manager, note down, check cio, note down all moves, do it across the franchises and your place and who-ever is in it. It's doable if it's done right and cheated. it will take a while though. I just know the map and layers, don't ask me how it will be done, cuz i havent done it yet myself. But your right at a section and team member level but not section manager but team inside it that is proving to be a problem.
You will be escalated from ethiopia-kenya-african union which is very light responses, to more lethal approaches and the shift looks like it's happening you see them on the ground. You should've of been worried when russia was at farmajo coronation, their eyeing if this needs to go up to syria.
Plus your on a lifeline that will effect many ships and countries crucial oil supply. U can compare to SAP in an organization HR, you just been shifted from some idle section doing BAU activity to a section that is managing the lifeline of an organization. The stocks will go up, I didn't find out but I been there, I know your heading there as nation, I didnt stick to find out so I cant tell you but the guys coming u see their projects and its messy.
I didn't even ask to go the lifeline of company areas, I was forced too. You actually asked these people to come. Just look at the yemen project cause he is on a lifeline and next door to saudi that's two problems. You have one problem, so you can expect at least half the treatment, count their death toll and half it and they will adjust the war to meet the requirements of your threat.
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