American atheists welcome to the club

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President Obama just signed into law a bill protecting non religous persons from discrimination.

Us godless heathens across the pond have been taking our secularism for granted while you guys had to deal with taliban and the KKK :dwill::friendhug:

For the first time, atheists and other nonreligious persons are explicitly named as a class protected by the law.

President Barack Obama has signed into law theFrank Wolf International Religious Freedom Act. The new law protects atheists, humanists, and other freethinkers around the world from religious persecution.

Congress passed the international religious freedom bill protecting atheists, humanists, and other non-theists last week with overwhelming bipartisan support, and Obama signed the legislation into law last Friday, Dec. 16

The new law explicitly protects atheists, humanists, and other non-theists, and upgrades the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act. In particular, the new law states:

The freedom of thought, conscience, and religion is understood to protect theistic and non-theistic beliefs as well as the right not to profess or practice any religion.

The Act also condemns “specific targeting of non-theists, humanists, and atheists because of their beliefs” and attempts to forcibly compel “non-believers or non-theists to recant their beliefs or to convert.”


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Where do you draw your strength from McLovin? What did you replace with the bible bro? Curious.

If you don't draw strength from God I would hope you at least draw strength from memes.

I also find on sspot a strong distaste for Ethiopians is almost like a source of energy.
friends, family, philosophy books, my undying thirst to seek the truth

That is helpful. Glad you are connected and draw strength from sources available to you. Someday you may find the truth. That you believe there is truth out there is a good start. Carry on your journey.
If you don't draw strength from God I would hope you at least draw strength from memes.

I also find on sspot a strong distaste for Ethiopians is almost like a source of energy.

What sort of strength can someone draw from meme? Memes are a display of expressions not a source of strength.
headass, me and my squad still gon roast you if you come out your closet
The law is meant to protect against more serious things.Incase you weren't following there are unfortunate souls in backwards countries being killed for their beliefs

The American Humanist Association iscelebrating the new law. In a press release the group explains the importance of the new, updated legislation:

The persecution of openly humanist and atheist writers has become an area of increasing concern especially afterthe string of murders of secular bloggers and publishers by religious extremists in Bangladesh. The American Humanist Association, along with other international advocates for religious freedom, have also been critical of the flogging of secular writers in Saudi Arabia, as well as a Saudi law that equates atheism with terrorism.

A roasting would actually be a major improvement in human rights for some of these people
Secularists needing protection in a secular country. :mjlol:

America is secular on paper but much more conservative and religious than Europe. Their ignorance runs deep and thus present great danger to the entire world to be honest with you.

I don't know about Mclovin's ethnic status. But if he is white and doesn't get into people's faces with the dogma of atheism , he has nothing to worry about. This protection signed into law is more of a message than anything meaningful. Americans are just too ignorant. I don't fault anyone different from the main stream to be fearful for their future from the Majority ignoramus.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Is obama lowkey from beesha. His upbringing seemed to be fairly non religous :hmm:

I suspect he is. You can't come out as an Atheist President cos the public will lose their shit.

I've always wondered why America are so religious. 70% of Americans are Christians. For a developed first world nation that's bizarre. I expect those numbers from eastern Europeans, Latin America and Africa, not a Western country.
I suspect he is. You can't come out as an Atheist President cos the public will lose their shit.

I've always wondered why America are so religious. 70% of Americans are Christians. For a developed first world nation that's bizarre. I expect those numbers from eastern Europeans, Latin America and Africa, not a Western country.
I suspect a lot of world leaders are. Gotta keep those masses satisfied somehow

Progress of any kind that address the physical need of man and the physical reality of the world around man can not replace the need of man in his soul to get answers for what is beyond explanation. If you think people believe in God because they are stupid, then you surrendered to ignorance. Some believers may be stupid, but ....... There is case to be made for God.
Progress of any kind that address the physical need of man and the physical reality of the world around man can not replace the need of man in his soul to get answers for what is beyond explanation. If you think people believe in God because they are stupid, then you surrendered to ignorance. Some believers may be stupid, but ....... There is case for God
There is a big difference between people who believe in a God and people who believe in organised religion as not being a man made construct. Nevertheless I have no doubts that both groups contain some highly intelligent members.
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